Why You Give Your Heart To People Who Don’t Deserve It Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Sad Girl On Sofa
God & Man


(March 21st to April 19th)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you just want to have fun, but people who are a ‘good time,’ won’t always treat you with the love and respect you deserve. It’s great to be spontaneous and live life to its fullest while you can, but allowing someone to mistreat you or accepting less than you deserve makes life feel pretty empty.


(April 20th to May 21st)

You rarely give your heart to just anyone, you make people show you that they’re worthy of your trust before you give it to them. You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because sometimes people fool you. You think you’re incapable of falling head over heels for someone’s tricks, but it happens to the best of us.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you’re indecisive when it comes to what you want, and people tend to take advantage of that. You’re not set on what you see for yourself in terms of love whether it’s a fully committed relationship, or staying single and enjoying some time alone. The wrong people see your uncertainty as weakness and they try to play games accordingly.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you’re sentimental and you care deeply about the people who come into your life, which leaves you caught off-guard and hurt when they unexpectedly leave. Don’t stop caring deeply for people, stop caring deeply for the people who don’t appreciate it.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you have a hard time accepting realities you don’t want to face. When someone clearly doesn’t want the same things you want out of a relationship, you push it to the back burner hoping maybe time will change them, but not everyone wants what you want, and usually time doesn’t change their mind.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you doubt yourself. You think, maybe I’m asking for too much, or being unreasonable, but you shouldn’t have to defend your wants and needs, and the right person would definitely be willing to meet them. Your feelings aren’t unreasonable and wanting the love you know that you deserve isn’t either.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because people fall in love with you easily, and you fall in love easily too. You tend to jump from one relationship to another not because of who you’re dating, but for the simple reason that you hate to be alone. Learn to get to know someone for who they really are before you claim to be in love with them.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you’re brave and passionate, and you don’t start things that you don’t intend to finish. When you let someone in you expect them to stay. Everyone isn’t as dedicated as you are, and you tend to become dis-trusting and jealous when they’re not. Give your heart to the person who doesn’t make you doubt your relationship, someone who’s just as brave and passionate as you are.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you’re a free-spirit, and you believe in love’s power. Some people interpret your optimism as weakness, and they take your love without giving any in return. Love won’t always be received or returned in the ways you hope for, but don’t let that stop you from spreading it.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you value independence, so much so that you forget what truly sharing your life with someone actually means. You don’t mind when someone gives you space. You enjoy having a separate life outside of your romantic relationship, but there’s a difference between independence and neglect. You should enjoy your life outside of your relationship, but is it a relationship worth having if you don’t really enjoy life when you’re together?


(January 21st to February 18th)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you live to help others. You fall in love with people whose hearts are already broken, and it’s because you want to fix them. Relationships can’t be founded on fixing people. Continue to help others, but when it comes to broken hearts, sometimes you need to let them heal themselves.


(February 19th to March 20th)

You give your heart to people who don’t deserve it because you’re gentle and kind, and one of your most admirable qualities is that you don’t expect anything in return. It’s great to not have expectations, but you deserve to receive the same type of kindness you give, and don’t let your partner sway you into thinking otherwise. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nicole Tarkoff

Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.

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