JuliusKielaitis / Shutterstock.com

56 Thoughts Everyone Has Had At IKEA

31. Where is the shortcut?


JuliusKielaitis / Shutterstock.com
JuliusKielaitis / Shutterstock.com

1. I’ve never been to an IKEA, this is going to be great!

2. How the hell do you get up there?

3. Oh, there’s an escalator.

4. Second floor? Weird.

5. Whoa, there’s a cafeteria?

6. What the hell is a lingonberry?

7. This place is a goddamn maze.

8. I’d love a living room like this.

9. How the hell do you pronounce BORGSJÖ?

10. Where am I?

11. Wait, so I can’t take these? They’re just models?

12. Oh, I have to take notes?

13. It feels like I’ve been walking forever.

14. These jerks walk so slow.

15. Are there any shortcuts?

16. Man, these chairs are comfy.

17. I wonder if I need this ottoman?

18. Bookshelves cost more than shelving units? What is this nonsense?

19. Just how long is this walk?

20. I’ve had enough of this.

21. I’m getting hungry.

22. I just want to kick through this group of strollers. Please let me pass.

23. Are there any shortcuts?

24. Where is the warehouse?

25. Wait, I made a giant circle around this place?

26. The warehouse is downstairs?

27. There’s more of this walking crap.

28. Look at these pretty lights!

29. Look, there’s more lights.

30. Look, more lights.

31. Where is the shortcut?

32. Kitchen…that reminds me…I’m so hungry…

33. Bathroom…I need to go use it…


35. Why are there plants here?

36. Oh god, finally, the warehouse.

37. I have to search for the goddamn items?

38. Oh my god, I lost my notes.

39. Oh my god.

40. Does this mean I have to go back?

41. Oh here they are.

42. I guess I take one of these carts here.

43. Aisle 7… Oh nice.

44. Wow this box is heavy.


46. I think I hurt my back.

48. I have to find checkout now.

49. Ugh, look at the line.

50. Oh, they’re selling pretzels behind checkout.

51. Whoa, all of this came out to less than $100.

52. Whoa, it’s 9PM?

53. I can’t carry these home.

54. I need a cab.

55. Whoa, it’s $20 for a 3 mile ride home.

56. GOD, I HAVE TO BUILD ALL OF THESE MYSELF? Thought Catalog Logo Mark