11 People Reveal The Best Way To Handle Rejection In Life

We all face rejection in life. And sometimes, it really hurts getting rejected. Let these people help you.


10. Ben Mordecai

  • Clear your head. You just experienced a lot of stress. Do something to get your stress level down. There is something chemical happening in your brain right now. That bubble bath won’t make un-fired, but it will tell your brain to go easy on the stress hormones and help you be more yourself when you have to start looking at the task at hand.
  • Think about the statistics. People are fired every day. Relationships fail. None of us are immune to stats. There are tons of opportunities for failure everywhere we look. Do we really think we can avoid all of them? The best we can do if put our best effort forward and try to inject wisdom into our decisions and habits.
  • You can learn something… later. A lot of these answers emphasize all the ways you can fail again and learn something again and that’s a great concept, but the reality is that the lessons you learn from failure aren’t for you to learn immediately. If your decisions, habits, and mindsets are what caused the failure, what make you think that you’re going to be properly able to change your thinking and take home a lesson just because you failed? A better idea is to take a few pictures that day and write down a few thoughts. You’re going to stew over this for a little while, but as time goes on, you are going to realize what really happened, and you’re going to get that lesson that all the TED talks have promised you.
  • Get a plan together and arm-wrestle learned helplessness. You have something that Pavlov’s dogs don’t have. You have the ability to violate your instincts by thinking and making a decision. This isn’t to say that learned-helplessness isn’t a genuine and devastating reality, but you can look at it and call it what it really is: a setback. You don’t have to force a smile or pretend that you aren’t sick of this kind of thing happening. But you do have to make a decision that you’re going to give it another go.

11. Carmen Ross

First and foremost, stay positive and determined… if you look back at the life course of anyone who has every accomplished anything great or noteworthy, you can be sure that they also faced rejection at some point in time. Rejection doesn’t make you inferior and it doesn’t define you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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