11 People Reveal The Best Way To Handle Rejection In Life
We all face rejection in life. And sometimes, it really hurts getting rejected. Let these people help you.
Michael Koh
6. Anonymous
I’ve had a similar experience like Rohit Nair where after over 4 years of courting, someone whom I banked on the most left me. That too a couple of days after my dad passed away, a point when I needed the most support. And it hit me really hard and kept me in thought loop for years (honestly bits and pieces of it is still in my mind), because I could not find a reason why she left me. I believed I was the perfect man for her, and nobody else could care for her like I could (Which is most probably wrong). I kept asking her, “I just want to remove this loop from my mind, tell me the reason why you rejected me”. I didn’t get a convincing answer, but over the time I realized, I had a lot of flaws, and maybe those were the things she saw in me as our relationship progressed.
That stopped my loop. I was free from that rejection.Interview
I was among the top 3 students in my batch when I was in college. So obviously I carried a big ego. And in every campus interview I was a part of, I took it for granted that I would get the jobs. Just for the high having job offer letters, I took part in many of them. Won jobs from top companies. Then, once I had a campus job interview with a not-so-famous company. I was interviewed by a veteran interviewer. I was already on a high when I entered the interview oozing with confidence (overconfidence) and he probably didn’t like it. Though I answered every question he asked me, at the end I got rejected. The whole world came down crashing on me, I couldn’t find a reason why (at that point). But later when I realized what I had done, I was free from rejection.People
Years later, I toned down and started to believe in humility, but still believed and expected people to behave in a certain way to me, “since” I always tried to be nice with them. But many times I got rejected. Every time it stuck in my mind and kept depressing me, since I couldn’t find the reason why were they being like that to me. Then I came across this:Don’t expect the world to treat you fairly just because you’re a good person. it’s kinda like expecting a lion not to attack you because you’re a vegetarian.
I realized 3 things.
- You feel depressed after rejection when you believe it was unfair, you didn’t deserve to be rejected.
- You have too much ego/self belief that you can’t fail.
- People can be erratic in making judgement At times even though you deserved better, but probably they couldn’t realize that. Just forgive them, and move on.