Michael Gursky

Articles by
Michael Gursky
I Met Up With One Girl On Tinder And It Will Never Happen Again
Like most partially insane people, I had my Tinder days. Never again.
The 11 Most Important Qualities Of My Ideal Girlfriend
Every week I come across another laundry-list of articles about the ideal partner.
The 30 Greatest Hip-Hop Mixtapes Of All Time
Lil Wayne knows how to make a mixtape.
The 13 Most Insufferable People On Vine
Vine offers some incredibly humorous and creative folks, but the majority of the true talents don’t manage to reach “Vine star” status.
50 Of The Scariest Horror Movies Of All Time
Quite a few of the selections are commonly seen or talked about, because they simply deserve to be on here. Others you may have never heard of.
10 Signs You’ve Found The Ideal Boyfriend
If a man has most of these qualities, you better make him hubby this instant, girl!
What Would Your Facebook Look Like If Everyone’s Status Updates Were Honest?
SPORTS. They make up my entire personality. Sports.