Mark Aldrin R. Hipolito

Mark Aldrin Hipolito is a writer and artist who wants to inspire a lot of people.
Articles by
Mark Aldrin R. Hipolito
5 Surefire Ways To Move Out Of The Friendzone
Take photos and build memories. Both of you can even travel around the world if he or she permits. It’s all about making a move and not letting the friendship be just a friendship.
6 Reasons Why Adventurous Friends Are Worth Keeping
Adventurous people loves challenges and it’s definitely one of the qualities that you should look for in friends.
5 Extreme Activities That Are Good For Your Broken Heart
Remember, moving on is a step by step process. It just doesn’t happen overnight so make sure you try new things to better yourself.
5 Reasons Why It’s Okay To Be A Third Wheel (And What You Can Gain From It)
Learning about love isn’t only about your personal experiences, learning about love is also about looking at how other people treat each other and how they handle things.