Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
Our Souls Were Like Magnets
I’ve never felt anything so real before, so raw. I’ve never met a person whose simple existence could make me feel alive.
Our God Is Stronger Than Any Obstacle We Face
For whatever you’re facing is tiny in comparison to His strength.
I’m Only Looking For The Kind Of Love That Stays
I’m only looking for the love that stays. A love that continues. A love that knows all the impermanence of this world, yet pushes back against it. A love that believes. A love that trusts. A love that moves forward, even when the pieces don’t quite fit, even when there’s more stubbornness than solution, more frustration than faith.
I Don’t Know How To Half-Love You (And I Don’t Want To)
I don’t believe in rules or caution signs. I don’t think it makes me strong to keep my feelings at bay, to hold you at arm’s length and not let you in. I don’t want in a timid love, a half-love—with you, I’m all in
Less Regrets, More Learning To Let Go
You cannot change the past, but what you can change is the present—who and where you are right now.
At The End Of The Day, What’s Holding You Back?
Let yourself be scared, just for a moment. Let yourself feel that fear running through your body, the promise of possibility. Because where you feel fear is where you grow.
You May Feel Lost, But You Are Found In Christ
Even in the moments where we feel the most purposeless, the most directionless, the most off-track, our God is reaching out to us with His open hand. He is searching for us, beckoning to us, waiting for us. He is here.
You Shouldn’t Have To Tell Someone How To Love You
If someone loves you, they’ll love you. They’ll love you in all the ways you need. They’ll love you in all the ways they know how. They’ll love you, and prove this love, over and over because they don’t want to lose you. That’s real love.
Love Is Not About Forcing The Pieces To Fit, It’s About Falling Into Something That Fits Naturally
Because when someone loves you—it’s not about them trying to fix you, change you, or fall in love by a certain time. There aren’t rules, aren’t guidelines, aren’t ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts.’ Love is something that comes naturally.
21 Fun Things You Can Do (While The Rest Of The World Is Getting Married And Making Babies)
Meet people. Go on dates. Try new places. Eat new foods. Figure out what kind of person you’re into and what you really value in a relationship. Learn what things you can’t tolerate and what makes you giddy with excitement. Talk to people. Open up. Love wildly.
And Even When You Lose Yourself, I Will Be Here
I will be the one who believes in you when you forget how to believe in yourself.
It’s Night, And I’m Thinking Of You Again
And isn’t that wrong, but so beautiful? How we bend and break and reshape the contours, the curves, the chaos in our minds to match another’s?
11 Signs You Are An Emotionally Wealthy Person
You listen to both your heart and head.
7 Reasons You Should Stop People-Pleasing (And Start Living For Your Damn Self)
You deserve the love you keep giving away.
I Don’t Know How To Love With Any Less Than All Of Me
I’ve never been able to love any other way than fully, totally, completely
If He Loves You, He Won’t Try To Change You
Because any many that treats you as if who you are is not enough does not deserve the love you give.
Pain Is Only Temporary, Remember That
No matter what we’re going through, no matter how heavy a burden laid upon our hearts, no matter how shattered and tired we feel—that breakage won’t last forever. Pain is only temporary.
For Every Strong, Sensitive Woman Afraid To Love Again
Women are strong by nature; you don’t need to prove yourself by pushing other people away. Limiting your human connection doesn’t make you strong, sweet girl, it only makes you lonely.