Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
God, I’m Going To Stop Questioning And Start Listening To You
I’ve decided to stop feeding into the pounding in my chest, the fear of the unknown, the nervousness surrounding what’s to come and just let it all happen. I’ve decided to stop questioning everything and start listening to you, God.
God Didn’t Make A Mistake With You
God didn’t make a mistake with you. He didn’t fail in His creation or forget to finish. He didn’t lose sight of your purpose and no matter how absent He feels, He didn’t (and won’t ever) leave your side.
How To Love A Passionate Girl
Love, damn it. Love. Love wildly. Love fiercely. Love with all of you, and don’t hold back.
You’re Never Going To Be ‘Enough’ (And That’s Okay)
Because there is no ideal you must measure up to for the people who really love and value you.
6 Important Ways Your Relationship With Money Changes Post-Graduation
Instead of making impromptu purchases, you will weigh the pros and cons of investing in something. You become a more purposeful spender.
9 Beautiful Things Love Teaches Us (Even In Heartbreak)
Your self-worth is not defined by your relationship status.
You Cannot Let Your Defeat Define You
You’re going to fail, and fail hard. But that doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person
Every Time I Think Of You, I Almost Call
I almost shut out the doubts. I almost say forget it to my fears. I almost grab the phone and dial your number without thinking to hear the sound of your voice, the only thing that has stayed the same, so familiar that it actually scares me.
10 Reasons Why Teachers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With
They are selfless.
How To Love A Woman With A Wild Heart
Love her without conditions.
You Are As Strong As You Tell Yourself To Be
We are capable of pushing through, of starting over, of regaining our footing, of beginning again. But only when we believe we are.
If You’re Going To Love Me, Please Promise Your Permanence
If you’re going to love me, please promise you’ll stay.
9 Reasons To Wait To Say ‘I Love You,’ Even If You’re Dying To
Because true love takes time. And it’s not something you can rush.
Here’s To The Best Friends Who Feel Like Family
It is you who has loved me and who has reminded me, time and time again, that family is forever, but true friendship is too.
I Don’t Want Casual, I Want Real
I don’t want a relationship that can’t be labeled, a connection that has no commitment nor promise of a future. I want someone whose heart I can hold.
What If Every Loss Is Leading You In The Right Direction?
What if every painful thing you faced was actually pushing you forward, pushing you down a different road, a better road, the road you’re meant to be on?
Not Every Day Is Going To Be A Good Day (And That’s Okay)
Pain is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean we give up hope. We just have to shift our perspective.
At Your Lowest Point, Your Only Direction Is Up
The beautiful thing about your lowest point, about reaching an end, about falling and crashing and hitting the ground, is that the only direction you can take from here is up.