Marina Miller

Marina is a Colorado native who enjoys writing, baking, and crossword puzzles.
Articles by
Marina Miller
Forgive Yourself For All The Times When You Weren’t Enough
I am here to tell you that it is time you forgive. Forgive yourself for not being enough.
I Think It’s Time We Apologize For Loving Each Other The Wrong Way
I’m sorry for trying to push you to grow when you just wanted to be still for a moment.
You’re Allowed To Break
What a brave face you have on there. You’re showing the world you’re tough, you don’t need anyone else, you’re okay. And darling, you may be okay. But you know what else is okay? Finally reaching your breaking point.
When You Need to Remember There is Good, Read This
But, there is still good in this world, darling.
Even When I’m So Unlovable, I Still Need You To Choose Me
Because that’s what love is, it’s a choice.
It’s Okay To Be Sad
Cry because it’s okay to feel sadness. The fact that you’re feeling at all makes you alive
Date Someone You Have Nothing In Common With
Date someone who doesn’t think the same way you do.
23 Quotes For When You’re Feeling Weak & Need A Push To Get Back On Your Feet
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” – Khalil Gibran
Someday, You And I Will Be Beautiful
Someday you and I will create something so magical that we’ll wonder how two imperfect beings could ever create something so genuinely perfect.
Please, Never Doubt That I Love You
When life throws obstacles in our path, attempts to distance us and tries its damnedest to convince us we won’t make it, please believe that we will and never doubt that I love you.
4 Reasons Why I’ll Miss our Friendship, And The 1 Reason Why I Won’t
You have seen some real shit. After nine years, you have witnessed so many ups and downs.
11 College Classes You Would Actually Use In Real Life
Independent Study 408: How to Avoid Telling Your Boss to “Go Fuck Yourself”