Manen Lyset

Canadian Horror Author
Articles by
Manen Lyset
For Five Years My Family Lived In A Haunted House, And The Memories Still Give Me Chills To This Day
I know what I saw that day, I know someone was in the house, because, after all, if my dad hadn’t unlocked the front door, then who had?
There Was Something Off About Our Waitress, But I Never Would Have Guessed The Terrifying Truth About Her
She didn’t have the attentive gaze of someone checking up on us. No, there was something more aggressive about it. Something almost predatory.
If You Ever See A Figure Of A Woman In The Atlantic Ocean, Do Not Try And Save Her
I cut the engines, trusting my ship’s forward momentum to take me the rest of the way to the stranger. I didn’t want to risk overshooting and having to turn around. I had the strange feeling I’d only get one chance.
There’s A Phenomena Out There Called Second Dusk And The People Who Have Seen It Are Never Heard From Again
I’m not sure how long it took me to realize something was off. One minute, I was second-to-last in our little procession, the next, I noticed the absence of Christine’s footsteps. When I turned around, she was gone. Not off in the distance or taking a break, just … gone.
There’s Someone Out There Called The Clock Man And He Knows When You’re Going To Die
“Let me out!” I shouted, “The Clock Man’s going to get me! Please let me out!”
There was no answer from the other side, not even the sound of Tommy and his friends laughing.
There’s Something Spooky About The Way A Man Died At My Restaurant, And I Don’t Know If Anyone Can Explain It
I remember hearing the sirens and seeing the ambulance’s lights in the distance, but my focus was elsewhere.
Something Came Over Our Farm Town And Now Everyone Has Disappeared Except For Me
I could see it moving. The separation, I mean. Slowly, like the motion of the sun setting on the horizon. It was subtle, but it was definitely moving down. That’s when I realized that humming sound from this morning was getting even louder.
I Was A Cameraman For A Survival Reality TV Show, And What Happened On That Island Haunts Me To This Day
I’ve always thought reality shows were smut, pure and simple. In my personal life, I steered clear of them in favor of nature documentaries and other educational programming.
My High School Math Teacher Still Haunts Me To This Day
Have you ever been to a wax museum and stood in front of an exceptionally realistic figure? Sometimes, they feel like they’re about to reach out and grab you. Some of them almost feel as though they have a soul, or an essence of some kind. Well, being around Ms. Laramé was the opposite of that. I was looking at a living, breathing, moving person, but there was something wrong with this woman. She had no presence whatsoever.
I Noticed A Pattern In Our Workplace Accident Reports, But Nothing Could Have Prepared Me For What I Found
I could have chalked it up to coincidence, but there was a clear pattern here. I had at least ten reports mentioning him. Was he a disgruntled employee trying to get back at the university for firing him? Was it sabotage?
I Started Switching Out Pigeon Eggs With Fake Ones In Toronto, And Now Something Terrifying Is Happening
It’s no secret big cities have pigeon problems. Toronto is no exception. Like rats in the middle ages, the disease-carrying vermin spent the past decade running amok and increasing their numbers. It was my job to try and keep Toronto’s ever-growing pigeon population in check.
I Can’t Believe I’m Saying This, But I’m Deathly Afraid Of Cakes After What’s Been Happening To Me
Cake. Who would have thought you could be afraid of something as sweet and innocent as cake? I didn’t think it possible, until I broke up with my boyfriend last month.
While Out Camping, I Investigated A Half-Sunken Dock Near The Bank Of A Lake
I approached the water and peered at my reflection. The mirror-like surface revealed a face worn by years of stress and depression, but I could also see a twinkle of newfound hope in my eyes. Then, I looked up and spotted it: a half-sunken dock.
You Might Think Twice About Getting Laser Eye Surgery After You Read This Story
Did you know that you go blind for an average of 40 minutes a day?
The Strangest Thing Happened At The Autopsy Table
Something odd happened at the morgue.
My Father Kept A Russian Nesting Doll And What Was Inside Terrified Me (Part 2)
After finding a stranger’s severed finger in one of my father’s keepsakes, I decided I had to investigate further.
My Father Kept A Russian Nesting Doll And What Was Inside Terrified Me (Part 1)
I couldn’t believe what he held in his hand.
I Thanked The Man Who Killed My Friend
I should have been terrified…angry…sad…but…I felt strangely calm.