This Is Your Reminder To Enjoy Your Life
This is your reminder that we are here on this Earth to enjoy.
This is your reminder that working a 9-5 and hating your job is not what you are here for. You are meant to wake up with a smile on your face that you get to work passionately. You deserve to spend your day with enough energy for all the things you love. Your work does not drain you. It lights you up.
This is your reminder that love should not be hard. Love should inspire you, push you, and love you through the ups and downs. It should recharge you, nourish you, and feel like home. You deserve love that makes your world make sense.
This is your reminder that friendships should invest in you. Your friends ask how you are, they make time for you, and they don’t feel so difficult to keep up. You deserve unconditional friendship love that sees you so fully. You are here to connect with aligned souls.
This is your reminder that you are worthy of all the love and care you give others. You deserve to put yourself first, instead of last. You are here to cherish and love the body that carries you. The places you take this body, the people your soul connects with, and the things you do to take care of yourself are a deep priority.
This is your reminder that you are alive. You deserve to feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. You deserve to dance. To play. You are here to live colorfully and vividly and it doesn’t have to be so hard.
This is your reminder that you are here. Breathe deep. This is your one life. How are you going to live it?
Could you be enjoying it more?