Lorenzo Jensen III
27 People Explain Why They Walked Out In The Middle Of A Date
1. He tried to force me to wear a red wig.
85 People On What You Can Tell About Someone’s Personality Just By Their First Name
Brandy—if you meet her, she’s either a redneck or was raised by rednecks. I live in a small town in Texas, 3000 people maybe, and I know at least 10 Brandys.
35 People Describe The Sleaziest And Most Disgusting Things They Did For Cash (N$FW)
“I ate chunky peanut butter out of my uncle’s mouth for 20 bucks.”
25 Gruesome Real-Life Stories About Encountering A Corpse
4. “Bugs had started eating away at him.”
25 Relationship Red Flags
“I cannot stress enough the importance of avoiding girls who have daddy issues.”
20 Common Things People Do But Are Too Embarrassed To Admit
7. Picking their nose.
25 People Remember The Dumbest Argument They’ve Ever Had
25. Does frosting turn a muffin into a cupcake?
25 Things People Learned About Sex While Having Sex
“The opening of the vagina is lower than expected.”
25 People Share Secrets About Their Significant Others
She gave someone a blowjob for free Taco Bell.