23 One Sentence Reminders For Anyone Feeling Anxiety During The Coronavirus

23 One-Sentence Reminders For Anyone Feeling Anxiety During The Coronavirus

1. You truly aren’t alone.

2. It takes 28 days to successfully and habitually form a habit, so when this is over, the amount of germs lurking around the outside world will be significantly less and people will have much better practices.

3. You can still let your dogs sleep in your bed and touch them as much as you’d like without worrying about giving them the virus.

4. You can and should use this time to slow down, take a break, find your peace, and gather your thoughts—be chill.

5. Separating from your loved ones during this time will only allow you to see them sooner.

6. Everything is temporary; this will not last forever.

7. Thoughts become things, so pray, send your vibes, or do whatever you do to multiply the good—we need to contribute as much positivity as we possibly can.

8. You staying home is helping the environment more than you know.

9. Your body was hardwired for survival; let this be a reminder to check in and take extra care of yourself

10. Creating any kind of normalcy in your everyday life and in your home will be your life raft and saving grace, especially if you have kids.

11. You are going to get through this, just like you do everything else.

12. Worrying will not change the outcome, and the outcome will not change what you’re doing and how you’re feeling right this moment.

13. Focus on everything you do have control over.

14. Don’t believe everything your mind is telling you, especially when it’s in survival mode—sometimes things seem worse than they are.

15. Be kind to yourself in the midst of stress, for the sake of your sanity and for your kids who are watching and will observe key coping skills during this time.

16. It’s okay to not be okay.

17. You don’t have to have any answers or know what to do to still be doing your best.

18. Your best is way better than you think.

19. There are things and people readily available to help if you or your loved ones need any extra resources—there is support out there for you.

20. Now is a great time to hone in on your health and practice setting a routine for yourself—there is a lot of work to do that is strictly dedicated to benefiting yourself.

21. You’re going to be able celebrate and appreciate closeness on new levels.

22. The strongest and happiest people are ones who face adversity and not let it completely break them—you’re doing great.

23. This entire situation is the gateway to becoming better humans.

About the author

Leena Lomeli

Featured writer since 2014 | Mama | Lover of life, health & growth.