In Order To Survive Your Life You Are Going To Have To Surrender To It

You have to let life happen to you while you’re still here to live it.


In order to survive your life you are going to have to surrender to it. You are going to have to simultaneously fight and make peace with the fact that you are not fully in control of the life and lives you have left to live.

You are going to have to forgive all of the people that you used to be. You’re going to have to let life take people from you, and you’re sure as hell going to have to let it give you them as well.

You’re going to have to take the pain with you as you shut doors that don’t feel like yours anymore. You’re going to have to step into the unknown, unwillingly.

You’re going to have to love people from afar, and keep loving them farther and farther as you move away from them.

You’re going to have to step into new things, things that feel more like sunshine.

You’re going to have to touch the things that make you feel refreshed, cleansed.

You’re going to have to let the plans you had for your life get tarnished. You’re going to endure feeling defeated and then you’re going to have to keep moving.

You have to let life happen to you while you’re still here to live it. You’re going to have to let go of everything you think and thought you want. You’re going to have to feel different things until you know for certain where you need to go and where you need to stay. You’re going to have to mourn and grieve and love and let yourself be naked with people in ways that mean more than just taking your clothes off.

Find peace in knowing you’re here, in feeling your heart beat. Find hope in knowing that there’s so much that has yet to unravel, things that will feel so good when they get here. Find love in the soft moments when you are holding her hand when the loneliest parts of you finally feel like they have a friend. Find sanity in giving up, in letting go of every thought, feeling, and memory that limits you from being able to be here right now. If you are going to survive your life, you are going to have to surrender to it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Leena Lomeli

Featured writer since 2014 | Mama | Lover of life, health & growth.

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