6 Things All Old Souls Absolutely Hate About Modern Dating
Gabi E. Mulder

12 Reasons You Should Never Cheat On A Virgo

Virgos are intelligent, they will rip your ego into tiny shreds with their expansive vocabulary and intellect.


Aside from the importance of morals, you should never cheat on a Virgo for many reasons.


Virgos are the most analytical creatures on the planet, don’t ever think that you can just hide part of the truth of them. They are resourceful. They will find out whatever they want to.


Virgos are intelligent, they will rip your ego into tiny shreds with their expansive vocabulary and intellect.


Virgos are too sensical to ever let you see their vulnerable pain when in the midst of a debate, you will feel like you’ve lost every single time. They make things personal.


Don’t even bother deleting everything on your phone, they know your iCloud password.


Self-reflection is their middle name, they will emotionally get their heads back on track before you can even call your side chick.


They aren’t afraid of communication. In fact, they love it. It’s what makes them thrive. There’s no such thing as being wrong or too much when spreading facts around, there’s no sense in keeping the truth private.


Healing is the anthem of their life, Virgos will swoop any self-help book up in a heartbeat and be over you before you know it.


Due to the fact that healing is their jam, they will blossom into the most giant


Have you ever met a butterfly who was desperate to go back to being a caterpillar? Exactly.


Virgos will endlessly level up, always.


Virgos are intelligent and sensical don’t get me wrong, but they also are over-thinkers. Meaning, you just triggered any mental illness they may have.


A Virgo will put all their effort into cleaning up your mess that you left for them that they won’t even have time or energy to miss you.

The reasons are endless. Virgos are the most intellectual-emotion-feeling-beings ever. They have the entire package that healing requires you to have. By misleading a Virgo, you actually are just leading them to themselves. Thought Catalog Logo Mark