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How Mars Being In Retrograde Affects You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Mars is the ruler of Aries so Aries will feel the retrograde with really high intensity.



Mars is the ruler of Aries so Aries will feel the retrograde with really high intensity. If you have been having a hard time saying “no”, working through your frustrations / being more angry than usual, overbooking yourself, or you feel like you need more time in a day and more time to get everything you need done – this retrograde is why. Due to Mercury also being in retrograde and Mercury being all things communication, you may notice the way you deliver messages (or the way you DON’T deliver messages) will be the focus of this time for you. It’s best to really think before you speak, take time to rest, and really just navigate this busy and intense space for the next few weeks. The best way out is through.


Mars specifically rules areas of the Taurus such as intuition. During this time it may be hard to trust your intuition due to the false nature of a lot of things. Sometimes you cannot just rely on your gut, but your logic too. Now is a really great time to examine your inner world and really pay attention to what is working and what is not. Nevertheless, now may not be a good time to communicate everything you unravel because this retrograde is notorious for speaking prematurely. Take this time to really examine your world and think before you speak. Sit on life for a minute.


On a solar chart for Gemini, Mars rules areas like friendship, deeper dreams, and networking in general. This time may be harder for you and your self-esteem. Lately, you may feel less adventurous, less social, like your projects aren’t progressing, or some set back has occurred – even if it just a mental or spiritual one. This is a really good time to get back into life and see what really makes you feel alive. This is your time to rediscover your lust for life, reclaim your faith, and really travel to find your best life. The energy during this retrograde supports you Gemini, go find your happiness.


The area that Mars rules for you, Cancer, is your emotions like ambition, but also your professional/social settings. Now could be a really intense time for you. Maybe the way you are trying to communicate something is not being heard the way you want, maybe you are having relationship problems and coming across as obsessive or really intense. Now is a really good time to learn how to sit still. Be patient. All is coming together exactly how it is supposed to. Now is a really good time to learn to manage your emotions and really work on your delivery when it comes to communication. Let it be, Cancer. Let it be.


Mars rules your solar 9th house, the area of faith, wisdom, and travel. You may find yourself losing a lot of faith, whether that be with your own spiritually or maybe you are feeling hopeless when it comes to your own life + relationships. This is a good time to really calm down and settle. A lot of things may seem unsettled right now, but can be planted and stay stationary when you yourself are still moving. This is a time to get organized with your space, thoughts, emotions, and goals. This is your time to stop self-sabotaging yourself. This is your time to settle and organize. Prepare yourself for your best life. Stop holding yourself back, Leo.


Oh, Virgo. In your solar chart, Mars rules things like your finances and intimacy. You are already an analytical communicator, so now make things a little rough given the angry nature of the retrograde. Careful how you deliver your message. Your power is in your delivery, remember that. Be careful with any pent-up anger, now is a great time to really ask yourself questions and better understand your insecurities, fears, and past trauma. There’s no beating around it, this retrograde is going to be a hard one for you, Virgo. However, now is your time to use this path as a road to enlightenment. This is a great time to really shift around things and really focus on how you are going to engage with others and hold your weight moving forward. Move through this, Virgo.


Libra, now is the time to really analyze your life and slow down. Maybe some things came up that require more money or more patience, maybe a personal or romantic relationship is becoming too much or tiring. This also could be a time of change and miscommunication. Your partner could be listening to you less, not taking your words seriously, or you could be the one doing the ghosting. Transitions and miscommunications can be hard. If you have a change of heart or you need to speak up about what is really on your mind, do it – just be graceful about it. Take this time to really slow down and be mindful. Stay present.


On your chart, Mars rules the area around health. Both your mental and physical health deserve attention. Now is the time to really pay attention to what your symptoms are and what your body needs. Ask yourself what you need in order to feel completely nourished. New eating habits, a new workout plan, or even some therapy could really be useful during this time. Let’s be honest, Scorpions care about their image. Due to the fact that your health is going to be in the spotlight, now is also a time that you are struggling with your image more or you may find yourself discontent when you look in the mirror. Try to manage your anxiety or your insecurities. This too shall pass, Scorpio.


In your chart, Mars rules all things romance, children, love, and projects. You may find yourself very curious about someone new, but the chances are this person might not be so new to you after all. Now is a great time to finish old projects. Do not be afraid of romance right now, the energy is on your side and you are supported to walk forward and through this time. Stay confident during this time, you may find yourself struggling with that aspect of things. Just be aware that just because things may heat up, doesn’t mean your insecurities have to. Fall a little, you deserve the pleasure.


In your solar chart, Mars rules things like finances, emotion, and all things domestic. Maybe you are tight with money and your family feels your stress, maybe you are processing something that is your own business but taking it out on the wrong people. Be careful, Capricorn, now is a gentle time for you. This is is a really good time to look at your resources and really organize a life that works for you and that feels good for you and your loved ones. Be patient, it’s all coming together and all right on track. Sometimes you really do have to take one step backward in order to take two steps forward.


You are learning a lot right now, Aquarius. It seems as if you are finally starting to get a grip on things after a year of transitions and hardships. Congrats! You deserve some peace, you peacemaker. However, now it still may seem hard to really express yourself how you want to. You may find yourself disconnected from some friends right now due to your own paths findings. It’s okay Aquarius, you are doing your best and you are doing great. Be careful when communicating with your loved ones, you may have miscommunications in your future. Nonetheless, after a year of difficulty, you deserve some rest. Continue to learn new things, your brain is better for it. You are infinitely wiser and know significantly more than you did this time last year. Keep it going, Aquarius.


Now is a great time to be mindful. Revising projects and really analyzing them will do you well. Now is also a great time to pay attention to how things affect your mental and physical health. Revision and really looking into your world and seeing it for what it truly is will be so helpful for you during this time. Be focused. Pay attention. Analyze what is working for you and what isn’t. Now is a time of investigation for your own life, Pisces. There is work to be done, you got this! Thought Catalog Logo Mark