14 Things To Do Right Now To Prepare For July’s Full Moon
Do not perseverate on anything negative, even if something toxic is happening right now.
Leena Lomeli
1. Rest.
Rest the week leading up to it, and a few days after it.
2. Plan out a diet that really nourishes you and gives you what you need.
What does your body need in order to feel good? No meat? No bread? More water?
3. Make friends with your loneliness or lack of social support.
Now is the time to be picky with your company.
4. Get financially smart.
Alleviate your dress by really getting organized with your finances – make a game plan.
5. Organize your space.
Make sure everything has a space in your room, and work space.
6. Think positively.
Do not perseverate on anything negative, even if something toxic is happening right now.
7. Let things be.
You are opening yourself up to new beginnings, sometimes things feel stagnant before they change for forever.
8. Commit to yourself.
Commit to supporting yourself and taking care of yourself.
9. Remain open.
Things are happening, stay open to receive all that you are manifesting and all of the seeds you are planting.
10. Declutter your phone.
Delete pictures, numbers, texts, or whatever doesn’t serve you. New things are about to start – make room for them.
11. Make an exercise goal or plan.
Pick up the yoga schedule at the gym, commit to running a mile a day, whatever you do, just make sure you are committing to as much movement as you think is necessary.
12. Call yourself out.
Any old belief systems that you would tell yourself about others or yourself that hasn’t worked for you, change it. Get rid of any thoughts or bad habits that do not serve a true purpose for you.
13. Get an idea of who you really are, not just who you think you are.
It’s true that thoughts become things. If we think we are a certain way, or even if think that OTHERS think we are a certain way, we will inevitably act a certain way. Now is the time to stop self-sabotaging ourselves out of fear and really become who we are.
14. Start to manifest the life and self of your dreams.
Now is the time to get in touch with your authenticity. Who are you, what life do you want? Talk as if it’s happening right now. Now is the time.