Don’t Fall In Love With Someone Unless They Are Like This
The person who teaches you the most important part of a relationship is how you two overcome the hard parts. How you don’t give up on each other ever. You keep trying because you know this thing is worth it.

Don’t fall in love with someone until they prove they are worthy of all you have to give.
Don’t give those words away just because you want to be loved back.
Wait for someone who isn’t afraid to say them first.
Wait for someone who takes the time to learn about all your sharp edges and isn’t afraid of it.
Wait for someone who wants to learn about your past this way both of you can learn from it.
Someone who sees you in their future plans.
Don’t fall in love with them with someone unless they treat you well all the time.
Unless they are willing to commit to you and give you their best.
Because the right person will not only be the best but they will bring out the best in you.
Don’t fall in love with someone who makes you compromise your self-respect.
Someone who ends every other semi fling after meeting you because they know you are enough.
Don’t fall in love with someone who keeps you guessing about how they feel.
Because if they are the right person you’ll never have to wonder that sort of thing.
Don’t fall in love with someone who can so easily cancel on you and not feel they have to make it up to you.
Someone who spoils you because they want to be the person who treats you better than anyone else.
Don’t fall in love with someone who makes you feel like your love isn’t enough to satisfy them.
Don’t fall in love with someone who shakes your confidence both in them and in yourself.
Don’t fall in love with someone who is confused. Confused about their life. Confused about the choices they make. Confused about whether or not they can fit you into it all.
You want someone who is going to choose your time and time again without question or doubt.
Don’t fall in love with someone who ever makes you cry. Because the right person won’t.
Don’t fall in love with someone who picks and chooses when they want you.
Because when it’s the right person you’ll realize you aren’t some choice but rather the only choice.
Don’t fall in love with someone unless they are the exception you’ve always thought couldn’t become a reality then suddenly you believe in everything you’ve ever deserved.
Because they are the example that you deserve it.
Don’t fall in love with someone unless they are willing to bring you home to your parents because that step doesn’t scare them.
Don’t fall in love with someone who tries to change you. Because the only thing the right person will change about you is how happy you already are in your life.
Don’t fall in love with someone who isn’t afraid to kiss you in public and make it known how much they care.
That person who introduces you to their friends and they already know so much about you.
Don’t fall in love with someone who is constantly picking fights wait for the person who will fight for you. That person who will stand still when you leave and not move until you come back.
The person who teaches you the most important part of a relationship is how you two overcome the hard parts. How you don’t give up on each other ever. You keep trying because you know this thing is worth it.
Don’t fall in love with someone unless they are everything you deserve. Because love is the last thing in life you should settle for.
Don’t just fall in love so easily. Don’t just say three words. Wait for the person who deserves to hear them. But more than that wait for the person who will say them back and do everything to prove through actions that it isn’t just three words it’s so much more than that.