It’s so much more than taking her out. Its more than wining and dining her. It’s more than pulling out her chair and opening her door. It’s more than paying.
It’s about listening to her. It’s about learning to read her. It’s about being able to understand the things she doesn’t say.
It’s more than some title and calling her yours.
It’s making her feel like she’s the only one that matters. It’s walking into a room holding her hand and you make her feel like the most beautiful person there.
It’s more than the sex and hooking up.It’s about making sure the sex you do have is the best because you took the time to get to know her. And you know being emotionally connected to someone makes everything else better.
It’s more than saying you have a girlfriend. It’s shutting down anyone immediately and not flirting with the idea that you don’t. Everyone likes attention but it’s about being good to her behind her back when she’s not there.
It’s more than not physically cheating on her, it’s making sure you don’t emotionally cheat on her either. Because you know your girl space friend has feelings for you and you know she’s going to see how far she can get. It’s about stopping that before it turns into something that can upset your girlfriend.
It’s more than the things you say and how nicely you can say them. It’s about what you do to prove she’s the one you want to be with. It’s surprises and making an effort. It’s making her feel special because she is.
It’s more than how well you can hide something that you might be a little guilty of, it’s about completely honest owning up to your mistakes and working through them together. It’s knowing when to apologize when you are wrong and what you are willing to do to make it right.
It’s more than knowing general things about her. It’s taking the time to learn the little. Learn she likes white roses better than red because they are cliché. Learn she can’t sleep without socks on. Learn her favorite book and make a point to read it. Make an effort to really learn her. Learn about her past. Learn about her future goals. Stand behind her and support it.
Because she wants to tell you all these things but she also wants you to want to realize the small details too. Maybe things she doesn’t even realize.
Tell her about the things you notice. Tell her about the things you like. Don’t be afraid to tell her about the things you don’t like either.
Relationships are about compromise and learning to live with someone’s else’s flaws and shortcomings and loving them through it.
It doesn’t just stop once you get to call yourself her boyfriend. It doesn’t stop when you have her. It’s about everything you are willing to do to keep her.