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16 Ways You Can ‘Treat Yourself’ At Any Point In The Day (Beginning With A Bottle Of Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water)



There are never going to be enough hours in the day, so you might as well make those you have as pleasant and enjoyable as possible. Sometimes, all it takes is a five-minute stretch or a funny Twitter account that will make you laugh. We’ve teamed up with Perrier–a refreshing beverage at any hour of the day–to show you how you can make your days infinitely more delightful in the easiest ways possible.

Twenty 20 / sylvieayoette
Twenty 20 / sylvieayoette

1. Create a go-to “happy playlist” and keep it on your phone. When you feel a bad mood coming on, play your favorite songs over and over until you feel better. Studies have shown that you can improve your mood simply by listening to upbeat music.

2. Follow inspirational and/or funny Twitter and Instagram accounts, such as @StephenAtHome on Twitter and @JacobSantiago on Instagram. Reserve a special time each day that you can take a ten-minute break to look through unique content that will make you smile.

3. Take a walk in the middle of the day when you start falling into the dreaded afternoon slump. The fresh air will wake you up and give you a fresh perspective.

4. Wash your sheets with a scented detergent and strong fabric softener the night before a stressful day. That way, you can spend the whole day knowing you have fresh, clean sheets to climb into when you’ve made it through the rough patch.

5. Try to get in the habit of taking Vitamin B and Vitamin D supplements every morning. They boost energy production and immune health, which will eventually help your body to feel more vibrant and lively each day.

6. Throw a bottle of sparkling Perrier in your bag to sip on throughout the day. It’s a great way to quench your craving for a carbonated beverage, without having to deal with all the calories of soda.

7. Take a nap. Whether it’s a lazy Sunday afternoon snooze or a quick cat nap in the evening after work, nothing is more enjoyable or more refreshing than giving your mind a rest for an hour.

8. Carry a good book around with you at all times. When you find some precious quiet time throughout the day, you’ll always have something on your person to entertain you. And you’ll look forward to the quiet time even more than you already do.

9. Never deny yourself a fresh coffee or a hot cup of tea whenever you need a pick-me-up.

10. Sit by a window whenever you can – at work, on public transportation, in a cafe, at home. Whether you’re enjoying a bright summer day or you’re in the dead of winter, looking out at a larger, more open surrounding always beats staring at a wall.

11. Keep fresh flowers in your kitchen as often as you can. It’s a beautiful sight to say goodbye to in the morning, and a great thing to come home to at night.

12. Smile at a stranger on the street. You’ll improve your mood and (hopefully) theirs.

13. Make a habit of taking five minutes away from your computer, book, iPad, or whatever you’re working on to do some easy, in-place stretches. Doing it every so often throughout the day will help with chronic neck, shoulder, and lower back pain. Here are some easy exercises you can try.

14. Try free “brain game” sites like Lumosity when you need a quick break. In addition to helping with memory, concentration, and other cognitive skills, they’re also free and entertaining.

15. Don’t hesitate to pick up a delicious snack on the way home from working or from running errands. When it’s in moderation, a treat after a long day is always a nice thing to look forward to.

16. Look at cute baby animals when you have a spare minute. You can’t not feel happier after that. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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