Kali Rogers

Kali is the CEO, Founder, and Janitor of Blush—an online life-coaching company for girls. She’s also a blogger and a professional life coach at Blush Online Life Coaching.
Articles by
Kali Rogers
If You Want To Have Your Most Honest Relationship Ever, You Need To Remember These Five Things
Stick to doing nice things for others when it also makes you happy.
How To Actually Make New Female Friends In Your 20s
You are worthy of making new friends. So please remind yourself that you are NOT alone, you’re just far away.
6 Things To Remember When It Feels Like Everyone Else Is Getting Married
Do not focus on trying to find someone new to please. Sit with yourself for as long as you can until you are completely sure you understand what makes you tick.
The 10 Commandments Of Being A Modern Girl
If the modern girl does choose a partner, she makes sure that person is an actual partner.
5 Signs You’re In A Completely Toxic Friendship (And It’s Time To See Yourself Out)
Friendships should enhance your life – not drain it.
5 Non-Negotiable Things You Have To Purge After A Breakup
For anyone going through a breakup right now, I do not mean to be a pessimist, but it’s going to get a lot of worse before it gets better.
If You’re Not Doing These Five Things Every Day, You’re Sabotaging Your Relationship
Relationships take work. And the sky is blue.
You’re Not Ready To Move In Together Until You’ve Answered These 5 Questions
You love them. They love you. But will you still love each other after you’ve moved in together?
If Your Partner Is In Need Of Some Comforting, Follow These Four Steps To Get Them To Smile
So it totally sucks when your partner is epically terrible at cheering you up. I mean, come on, it shouldn’t be that hard to get a smile out of me, right? Wrong.
If You See Any Of These 7 Things In Your Life, It’s Probably Time To End Your Relationship
Do you feel like you’re carrying the relationship? Are you the one always reaching out? Making plans? Showing affection? Sharing stories? Geeze. You must be exhausted.
Everything Your Extroverted Friends Want You To Know (But Will Probably Never Tell You)
Being extroverted doesn’t necessarily mean talking all the time.
10 Reasons Why Girls Who Are Totally Confident Are The Best To Be Around
While talking may seem like a trait of confidence, don’t let silence fool you. Confidence is all about the ears, my friends.
This Is What US City You Should Call Home, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
Always ready to get their hands dirty, the ISTP is perfect for all of the outdoorsy adventures Portland has to offer.
Here’s What Sort Of Career You Should Have, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
More than just a job, the ISFP searches for more of an overall calling.
The One Thing You Should Never Do After a Breakup
It’s not the “mature way” to handle the situation, but all I care about are results.