270+ Water Names That Are Refreshingly Unique
Water names show up in every language, in every culture, and for every gender across the globe.
Water names show up in every language, in every culture, and for every gender across the globe.
The planet is mostly covered in water. Most of our body is composed of water. All life depends on it. So it’s natural that so many names would be derived from this primal life force.
Whether the name is derived from an ocean, sea, lake, river, creek, waterfall, or merely the morning dew that shines on a blade of grass, there’s a water name suitable for every newborn baby.
Water names show up in every language, in every culture, and for every gender across the globe. The planet is mostly covered in water. Most of our body is composed of water. All life depends on it. So it’s natural that so many names would be derived from this primal life force. Whether the baby name is derived from an ocean, sea, lake, river, creek, waterfall, or merely the morning dew that shines on a blade of grass, there’s a water name suitable for every newborn baby.
If you’re a lover of the beach, the ocean, or spending time in any pond, river, or lake, you might be inspired to name your future baby girl or baby boy after the place you love the most. If you’re looking for a water-inspired name for your baby, then you’ve come to the right place.
Water Names For Boys and Girls That Literally Mean “Water”
Aban – female, Persian origin.
Aban – female, Persian origin.
Thuy – female, Vietnamese origin.
Salil – male, Indian origin.
Apanie – female, Australian origin.
Mbizi – male, Egyptian origin.
Mesi – female, Egyptian origin.
Dax – male, French origin.
Ambu – female, Sanskrit origin.
Aqua – female, Latin origin.
Dover – male, Welsh origin.
Maya – female, Hebrew origin.
Jeevika – female, Sanskrit origin.
Baby Girl Names That Are Water-Inspired
Abenahir – female, Persian, “water of a stream or canal.”
Afshaneh – female, Persian, “sprinkling, scattering.”
Rudabeh – female, Persian, “river water.”
Adaliah – female, Hebrew, “one that draws water.”
Dalit – female, Hebrew, “drawing water.”
Yardenah – female, Hebrew, “from the river Jordan.”
Adira – female, Hebrew, “strength of the sea.”
Dayla – female, Hebrew, “to draw water.”
Gali – female, Hebrew, “fountain.”
Baby Boy Names That Are Water-Inspired
Ahumai – Hebrew, “a meadow of waters.”
Sachiel – Hebrew, “angel of water.”
Arroyo – Spanish, “deep gully.”
Airavata – Sanskrit, “child of waters.”
Bay – English, “body of water enclosed by land.”
Fontaine – French, “fountain.”
Kyle – Scottish, “Channel, strait”
Irving – Scottish, “green river” or “sea friend”
Cresswell – English, “watercress river”
Anup– Sanskrit, “watery.”
Dylan – Welsh, “son of the sea.”
Jidlaph – Hebrew, “he who distills waters.”
Moses – Hebrew, “saved from the waters.”
Baby Names That Mean “From The Water”
This female name is of Hebrew origin meaning “from the water.”
This Egyptian name is Biblical and means “delivered from the water.” It is a common baby boy name.
This female name is of Indian origin meaning “from the waters.”
This female name is of English origin meaning “from the sacred spring.”
This male name is of English origin meaning “from the waterside.”
This uncommon male name is of Scottish origin meaning “from the waterfall.”
This common name is of Scottish origin is quite unisex. It means “from the waterfall.”
Japanese Ocean-Inspired Names Used For Girls
Mizuko – female, Japanese, “water child.”
Umiko – female, Japanese, “child of the sea.”
Marella – female, Japanese, “of the bright sea.”
Hama – female, Japanese, “shore, beach.”
Nami – female, Japanese, “surf, wave.”
Hamako – female, Japanese, “child of the shore.”
Kishi – female, Japanese, “shore, beach.”
Kishiko – female, Japanese, “child of the shore.”
Nagisa – female, Japanese, “seashore.”
Shizue – female, Japanese, “quiet inlet.”
Taura – female, Japanese, “many lakes.”
Water-Themed Hawaiian Baby Names
Kaimana – female, Hawaiian, “power of the ocean.”
Lana – female, Hawaiian, “afloat.”
Moana – female, Hawaiian, “sea.”
Kai – female, Hawaiian origin, “sea.”
Kailani – female, Hawaiian, “sea and sky.”
Noelani – male, Hawaiian, “mist of heaven.”
Water-Inspired Baby Names of Celtic, Welsh, and Nordic Origin
This Celtic female name means “daughter of the sea.”
This classic female name is of Celtic origin meaning “protector of the sea.”
This Celtic matryonic name is common as a last name, meaning “sea, moor.”
This female name is of Celtic origin meaning “of the bright sea.”
This old Celtic female name means “sea jewel.”
This is an Old Norse unisex name meaning “stream.”
This female, Old Norse name means “fountain.”
This female name is of Welsh origin meaning “from the mouth of the river.”
This female-given Welsh name means “bright sea.”
This male name is of Welsh origin, meaning “a stream.”
This Welsh, male name means “holy water.”
This female-given Welsh name means “bright sea.”
This Welsh name is given to baby girls, meaning “from the river bank.”
This name is of Welsh origin and given to females. It means “from the shore.”
Water Names Inspired By Goddesses and Water Creatures
This English, female name means “lady of the lake.”
This female name is of Celtic origin and means “water goddess.”
This female name is of Persian origin meaning “river goddess.”
Nineve / Nyneve
These English names, no matter how they’re spelled, mean “the lady of the lake.”
In Greek mythology, there were three sisters of Fate (Birth, Life, and Death) known as the Moeragetes. The name means sea nymph or mermaid, which were creatures known for enticing men.
In Greek mythology, Doris is the name of the Greek sea goddess. She was the ocean-nymph wife of sea-god Nereus and the mother of 50 Nereids. The name means “gift” or “gift of the ocean.”
In Greek mythology, Scylla was a sea monster with 12 feet and 6 heads on long necks with shark-like teeth. This name simply means “sea monster.”
This Greek name was often given to baby girls and means “a water nymph.”
This Greek name is often given to females, meaning “a water nymph.”
In Greek mythology, Ceto was a primordial sea goddess. This classic Greek baby name is often given to baby girls, meaning “goddess of the sea.”
This Greek name is inspired by the sea-goddess who was said to be the personification of the sea water.
This is in Inuit female name that means “goddess of the sea.”
This name is of Greek origin and would be given to a water baby girl. It means “dweller by the sea.”
In Greek mythology, Styx was the name of a “river of the underworld”, which is what the name means. However, it also literally means “shuddering.”
This name is of Greek origin and derives from “grandmother.” However, the name refers to the Greek mythological Titan who was associated with the sea: the wife of Oceanus.
This male, Greek name means “power of the sea” or “Sea-strength.”
Water-Inspired Baby Girl Names from Latin
This name has both Latin and Greek origins and is primarily for baby girls. The name derives from a sea monster who was the daughter of Poseidon, and was rationalized as a whirlpool, giving the meaning of the name: “a deadly whirlpool.”
This Latin baby name is often given to girls. It derives from the Greek mythology story of Ephyra, one of the 3,000 water-nymph daughters of Oceanus.
This female-given name is of Latin and Greek origin, derived from and meaning “the daughter of Poseidon.”
This Latin-rooted name comes from Greece and mythology. It is the name of a fountain or spring located in Corinth. It is said to be a favored watering hole of Pegasus.
This female-given name is of Latin origin and means “daughter of Poseidon.” The name Rhodes is the name of the largest Dodecanese islands of Greece, where mineral-rich spring water is used to give medicinal baths.
This name is of Latin origin and is often given to baby girls. It means “from the Aegean Sea.”
This female, Latin name comes from Apulia, a region of southern Italy.
This Latin name is beautiful for a girl. It means “shining sea” and is one of the most popular female names that mean water. (F) … Latin … shining sea
This female name has multiple origins and meanings but is still quite inspired by water. In Latin, it means “misty.”
This name is of Latin origin and is often given to baby girls. It means “sea marina.”
This name has Latin roots and means “god of freshwater.” In Roman (Latin) mythology, Neptune was the equivalent to the Greek Poseidon, the god of the sea. One of the planets in our solar system is named after this; Neptune is one of the two ice giants and 80% of its mass is made up of icy materials, including water.
This female, Latin name means “of the sea and winds.”
This name is of Latin origin and given to girls. It means “from the seashore.”
This name is of Latin origin and is often given to baby girls. It means “from the seashore.”
Water-Inspired Irish and Gaelic Names
Avonmora – female, Irish, “from the great river.”
Kelby – female, Gaelic, “place by the fountain.”
Leena – female, Irish, “wet meadow.”
Lir – male, Irish, “god of the sea.”
Lynn – female, Irish, “lake.”
Morrissey – male, Irish, “choice of the sea.”
Muriel – female, Irish, “knows the sea.”
Murphy – male, Gaelic, “sea warrior.”
Murray – male, Irish, “lord of the sea.”
Shannon – female, Irish, “old, wise river.”
Hurley – male, Irish name, means “sea tide.”
Ocean Names Describing Water
This male name is of Sanskrit origin meaning “moving water.”
This is a common male name of Latin origin meaning “gushing water.”
This female, Persian name means “brilliant waters.”
This female, Persian name means “sweeping waters.”
This is a Native American name given to baby girls. It means “lovely water.”
This is a male name, of French origin, meaning “still water.”
This is a female name and of Choctaw origin. It means “leaping water.”
This baby boy name is of Turkish origin meaning “flowing water.”
This baby boy’s name is of Scottish origin and means “rough waters.”
This classic baby name is often given to boys. It is of Scottish origin and means “dark water.”
This female, Hebrew name means “rippling water.”
This female English name means “flowing tide.”
This Turkish name is often given to girls and it means “flows like water.”
English and Anglo-Saxon Water Names for Girls and Boys
Aerwyna – female, English, “friend of the sea.”
Chelsea -female, Anglo-Saxon, “seaport.”
Delta – female, English, “confluence of rivers.”
Diondra – female, English, “from the sacred spring.”
Bourne – male, English, “lives near a stream.”
Brooke – female, English, “small stream.”
Clifford – male, English, “one who lives near the ford by the cliff.”
Lach – male, English, “lives near water.”
Earwine – female, English, “friend of the sea.”
Lincoln – male, English, “settlement by the lake.”
Orabelle – female, English, “beautiful seacoast.”
Rodney – male, English, “land near the water.”
Lausanne – female, English, “Lake Geneva.”
Aedre – female, Anglo-Saxon, “stream.”
Beverley – female, English, “beaver stream.”
Brimlad – female, Anglo-Saxon, “seaway.”
Cotovatre – female, English, “name of a lake.”
Lyn – female, Anglo-Saxon, “cascade.”
Kendall – male or female, English origin, “valley of the river Kent.”
Seaton – male, English, “town by the sea.”
Washington – male, English, “town near the water.”
Ford – male, English, “river crossing.”
Irvette – female, English, “friend of the sea.”
Laguna – female, English, “body of water separated by a coral or reef.”
Misty – female, English, “tiny drops of water.”
Wade – male, English, “cross the water.”
Waverly – female, English, “meadow of quivering aspen.”
Wiley – male, English, “well-watered meadow.”
Baby Boy and Girl Names That Mean “From/Of the Sea or Ocean”
All of the names listed below are from different regions around the world but mean pretty much the same thing. They all have the meaning “from the sea,” “of the sea,” “of the ocean” or “from the ocean.”
Mamia – female, Latin origin.
Delma – female, Spanish origin.
Maritza – female, German origin.
Ingemar – female, Old Norse origin.
Dorea – female, Greek origin.
Marea – female, Latin origin.
Marissa – female, Latin origin.
Marius – male, Latin origin.
Mariza – female, Latin origin.
Marinella – female, Latin origin.
Lage – female, Swedish origin.
Marinochka – female, Russian origin.
Maryn – female, Latin origin.
Oceane – female, French origin.
Meris – female, Latin origin.
Thalassa – female, Greek origin.
Delmare – female, French origin.
Nautia – female, Latin origin.
Baby Names That Means Ocean, Sea, and River
Deniz – male, Turkish origin, means “sea.”
Araxie – female, Armenian origin, means “river.”
Itsaso – female, Spanish origin, “sea.”
Jaladhi – male, Hindi origin, means “ocean.”
Meri – female, Finnish origin, means “sea.”
Rio – female, Spanish origin, “river.”
Hali – female, Greek, “sea.”
Mira – female, Sanskrit origin, “ocean.”
Loire – female, French, “river.”
Murdock – male, Scottish, “Sea.”
Tyna – female, English origin, “river.”
Samudra – female, Indonesian, meaning “ocean.”
Darya – male, Persian origin, sea.”
Baby Names Inspired By Waves and Water’s Current
This beautiful, female French name means “white wave.”
This is a female, Welsh name that means “white wave.”
Dillon / Dylan
In Celtic mythology, Dillion/Dylan is a sea-god who was killed by his uncle. As the legend goes, the sound of waves crashing along the shore of a beach is the longing for vengeance. Interestingly enough, the name Dillon means “great flood” or Dylan, “son of the wave.”
This Celtic name is classic for a baby girl, meaning “white wave.”
This is a female, Welsh name that means “white wave.”
This is a female, Welsh name that means “wave.”
This Latin name means “of the waves.” It is given to baby girls.
This is a Welsh girls’ name which means “waves of the sea.”
Baby Names Inspired by Rain and Dew
This female, Persian name means “raindrop.”
This Persian name is often used for baby girls and it means “angel of rain.”
This female name is of Spanish origin meaning “dew drops.”
This female name is of Latin origin meaning “heavy rain.”
This female name is of Sanskrit origin meaning “rain.”
This name originated from Egypt meaning “born during rain.”
This female Arabic name means “brings rain.”
This female name is of Latin origin, meaning “dew of the sea.”
This name is of Persian origin, meaning “dew.” It is often used for a baby girl.
This female name is of Hebrew origin meaning “dew from heaven.”
This female name is of Hebrew origin meaning “morning dew.”
This name is of Hebrew origin. It means “dew of heaven” and is often used for baby girls.
This female Arabic name means “dew, moisture.”
This female Arabic name means “having dew on the surface.”
Other Baby Names That Are Water-Inspired
Below is a list of names that are inspired by water, but more specifically, things found in the water, like animals, flowers, and other ocean life.
This female-given name is of Arabic origin and it means “water lily.”
This beautiful, female Hawaiian name means “ocean flower,” or “sea blossom.”
This name means “ostrich running from water.” It is for baby girls and is of Arabic origin.
Of Miwok origin, this female name means “fast salmon swimming up a rippling stream.”
This name is of Welsh origin and given to a female. It means “sea shell.”
This Native American name is cute for a baby boy, meaning “salmons head rising above.”
This Japanese name is given to girls and it means “water lily.”
This Italian name means “flower water” and is given to baby boys.
This name is of Persian origin and given to a female. It means “sea shell.”
This female-given name is of Latin origin and it means “sea gull.”
This name is of English origin and is beautiful. fora baby girl. It comes from what we know coral to be: “underwater skeletal deposits that form reefs.”
This is a unique female name of Welsh origin that means “jewel of the sea.”
This male name comes from England and means “saltiness that comes from the sea.”
Boy’s and Girl’s Names That Mean “Waterfalls”
Assana – female, Irish origin.
Eathelin – female, English origin.
Hlynn – female, English origin.
Lin – female, English origin.
Gracelynn – female, German origin. Means “graceful as a waterfall.”
Taki – female, Japanese origin. Means “plunging waterfalls.”
Water Names That Mean “Clear Water”
Cain – male, Welsh origin.
Ken – male, Welsh origin.
Kenn – male, Welsh origin.
Brooklyn – female, English origin.
Pavati – female, Hopi origin.
Myuna – female, Australian origin.
Kendra – female, English origin.
Other Names That Mean Water Or Are Water-Inspired
Here is a compilation of names that are inspired by rivers, streams, brooks, lakes, and other little paradises other than the ocean or sea. These baby names come from Italy, Spain, Armenia, India, Norway, Turkey, Germany, and so many other places. We’ve included the origin, meaning, and even some nicknames for some!
This name is of Dutch origin and is often given to females. It means “from the Adriatic”, which is the northernmost part of the Meditteranean Sea.
The female, Norwegian name means “sea passage.”
This female name is popular in Australia and it means “freshwater lagoon.”
This female name is of Latvian origin. This name meaning is “sea shore.”
This name is of Hopi origin, a Native American tribe in northeastern Arizona. This female name means “water moon.”
The female-given, Sanskrit name means “a small brook.”
This female, Italian name means “pond,” or “lake.”
This female name is of Arabic origin and means “to draw water,” “water bearer.”
This Native American name is unisex and it means “father of waters.” It also refers to the Mississippi River.
This female, Native-American name means “edge of the lake.”
This female name is of Cherokee origin. This name meaning is “forest water.”
This name is of German origin and is often given to baby girls. It means “little water sprite.”
This baby name is German and given to baby girls. It means “brook.”
This male name is from Scotland and it means “mouth of the river.”
This Scottish name is given to boys and means “from the stream.”
This girl’s name is of Spanish origin. It has multiple meanings: “from the river’s mouth,” “Star of the sea,” “Sea of bitterness,” and “drop of the sea.”
This name is of Italian origin and is often given to girls. This water-inspired name means “deep brook.”
This Italian name is typically given to boys. It means “lake, province,” and is also the name of a beautiful lake in Northern Italy.
This Scottish female name means “of the sea” or “arm of the sea.”
This baby name is of Scottish origin and is often given to girls. It means “seething pool.”
This name is interesting: not only can it be for a boy or a girl, but it also has various meanings. In French, it means”gathering of waters” and in Native American, it means “red stone river” or “river running through a red place.”
This French, male name means “by the still waters.”
This French female name means “from the shore.” This water-inspired name is topographic for someone who lived on the bank of a river.
This name is primarily gender-neutral. It is Native American, but more specifically, Choctaw. It means “small, slow stream.”
This French name is primarily given to girls. It means “canal, channel.”
This female name is largely used in Germany but has Akkadian and Greek roots. In Akkadian, it means “one who pours water,” and in Greek mythology, Imma is the name of the constellation Aquarius, who was the water pourer.
This female name is quite common in Arab-speaking countries. It means “an earthen (old, decayed) water jug.”
This female name derives from the Egyptian mythical goddess of the ocean. Therefore, the name means literally that. It is believed to be a form of Nun, a name that means “primeval waters,” and who was a representation of the waters of chaos.
This female name translates to “that water” and “atmospheric moisture” and “to spit.” It comes from ancient Egyptian goddess of water, moisture, and rain. The name could also be inspired by the tale that her mother who gave birth to her by spitting her out.
This Muslim Turkish name is given to girls. It means “flood.”
This female name is often given to babies in Turkey and is of Arabic origin. It means “a river in paradise,” or “holy water in heaven/paradise.”
This baby name has Egyptian roots, meaning “ancient waters”
This Arabic female name means “a river in paradise.”
This female name has multiple cultural origins. In its Arabic and African origins, it means “a drink of water” or “water in the desert.”