Jeremy Goldberg

Jeremy Goldberg is trying to make kindness cool, and the world better than it was yesterday. Follow him on Instagram for daily inspiration!
Articles by
Jeremy Goldberg
Love Yourself Enough That You Are Okay Disappointing People
We sacrifice ourselves so they won’t feel pain, but in doing so we collect hurt that isn’t ours to carry.
Authenticity And Laziness Are Related And The Reason May Surprise You
This may be an oversimplification of a whole bunch of complex ideas, but I really do believe it’s better to upset people by being real rather than upsetting them by being fake.
This Is The Absolute Best Way To Deal With The Baggage In Your Relationship
I don’t want someone whose baggage goes with mine. I just want someone who can identify and carry their own.
Speak Your Fu*king Truth
Fact: It’s okay to feel however the hell you need to feel.
Go Be The Damn Thing
But, in the space between ‘what if’ and ‘what is’ there lies a ‘maybe’ a ‘just might’ and a ‘what could be’. There lies possibility, and that’s where the leap lives. That’s where chance hatches – in the risk, a hunch of intuition leading to decision, a spark of opportunity to be brave in the face of change.
Healing Looks Like Acceptance And Feels Like Gratitude
Healing means owning the pain without pushing it away.
Here Are The 50 Best Journaling Prompts You Will Ever Read Or Need
What advice would you give yourself five years ago?
Adulting Is Really Hard, So Here’s How To Deal With It
It took me a long time to realize that I am the only problem in my life.
This Is What Hundreds Of Women Said Is The One Thing They Wished Men Understood About Them
“Overall, we don’t want a life half-lived, half-assed, or half-hearted. We don’t want to go through the motions just to fulfil some outdated notion of what this ‘us’ is supposed to be. We don’t want superficial, surface-level, unemotional, uninteresting, unexceptional, average, ordinary connection.”
If You Love Someone, Have Them Read This
You are living, breathing happiness.
The Best Revenge Is A Happy Life, And I’m Committing Myself To Mine
Starting today, I take my power back. Starting today, I am enough.
I Think I Am In Like With You
I wonder where your thoughts go when you close your eyes.
It’s Time To Go And Live Your Life Already
Not many people on their deathbed regret following their heart, but do you know what they do regret? They regret living small. They regret playing safe.
This Is How I Want To Be Loved One Day
I want the dim stars in dark skies to match the calm stares in your eyes when you look at me, speechless and hopeful, and I want to know there and then, now and again, I want to truly know what it means to feel alive.
If You Love Me, Remind Me Of That Every Single Day
Remind me how I love getting lost in you. Remind me that you are an adventure worth taking and never forgetting.
The Best People I Know Have Been Hurt The Worst
The best people I know have seen soul mates become strangers and have felt ghosts in their veins where gods used to reign.
This Is How She Wants To Be Loved By You
Help lift her up. Help make her see. Teach yourself the powerful and noble truth that here is nothing more beautiful than a smiling soul staring at you with love-filled eyes. Make her smile. Warm her heart. Be silly.