It’s Time To Go And Live Your Life Already
Not many people on their deathbed regret following their heart, but do you know what they do regret? They regret living small. They regret playing safe.

“There will never be a right time to do a great thing.”
That’s what Dr. Eric Thomas said, and he’s right. It’s great advice.
And I’m finally taking it.
For the last ten years or so, I’ve daydreamed about a road trip across the United States.
For the last few years, I’ve talked about it.
And talked about it.
And talked about it some more.
With my fears disguised as excuses, I learned it’s easier to talk than do but in two weeks I take a one way flight from Australia to Los Angeles to start driving, and it feels really damn good.
I’m not going to lie, I feel excited and terrified, unsettled and amazing. Most importantly, for the first time in a long while, I feel alive.
I really do.
I’ve talked to tons of people over the past few months and I’ve heard the same comments over and over again. I’ve heard their same fears and concerns, the same uncomfortable reasons why it would never work, never happen, never be possible for them. But, having won my internal debate about this, I want to help you win yours.
Make no mistake: If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.
This is a great big sign with huge shiny letters that glow in the dark and loudly howl, “BOOK THE DAMN FLIGHT AND BUY THE DAMN CAR AND GET MOVING FAR AWAY FROM WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW.”
And if that didn’t work, how about another try of a different type, maybe a tiny little sign tucked away in a deep part of your heart with messy writing that knowingly whispers: “Hey, you really should do this, and you know you should too, so what if you go ahead and do it because it’ll be really good for you in the long run, I’m serious, okay?”
Or, to put it another way: Do it. Come on. Let’s go. Hurry up. It’s time. Get moving. All aboard. Right now.
When you know what needs to be done, there are no more excuses that work anymore.
So, do it.
Now is the time to begin the rest of your life.
Now is the time to finish this frustrating chapter you’re sick of reading, pages you want to rip out and burn if only to warm the coldness you feel for the choices you’ve made.
Now is the time to start writing a new book with new characters and a new narrative.
Now is the time to put on your cape and be the hero you’ve always been but never knew you needed.
I know though, it’s hard, it really is, because you don’t have the money, don’t know where to go, don’t want to go alone, have never done anything like this, have a head full of worries and doubts and what ifs and “how will I even…” and “you don’t understand…” and “I could never…” and “I need more time…” and “it’s not the right time…” and “I can’t decide…” and…
Fuck it.
Go anyway.
“Fuck it. I’m doing it.”
Try saying that out loud.
And again.
Now go out and let the world scare you and see how brave you become. Go be broke and learn how survival lurks around every corner and how it always works out somehow in some way. Go laugh until your stomach aches. Go climb mountains where the open road ends. Go find love in new eyes and stare at a stranger who may change your life. Go feel lonely and hurt. Go honor self-worth and go shatter self-doubt and discover the blooming blossoms in the upturn of your mouth. Go gaze at stars, have breakdowns and breakthroughs, eat good food, and do whatever you want to do. Go be free. Go have fun. Go and let your heart decide how, and where, and why.
Not many people on their deathbed regret following their heart, but do you know what they do regret?
They regret living small.
They regret playing safe.
They regret never trying to feel truly alive.
They regret not believing in themselves enough to live the life they desire.
Don’t be one of those fucking people, okay?