The Everyday Changes That Actually Worked For 5 Women With Weight-Loss Goals

Truth: Change can be one of the hardest things in life to embrace. But oftentimes, a few seemingly subtle tweaks are all it takes to improve our health, both physically and mentally. So why are these small changes also deceptively difficult? Blame it on a fear of the unknown, or a commitment to routine. Regardless of what it is, knowing and doing are two very different entities—and getting from point A to B is the real battle.

Ready for a powerful secret?  With countless choices. Each one is an opportunity to do something just a little bit differently than you did last time.

In other words, if you’re looking to make a change and improve your health and well-being, it doesn’t have to feel grandiose; it can start with one small thing. So instead of feeling like you have to sign up for a half marathon or toss out all the junk food in your house, try doing one thing today that’s different than yesterday. Take a walk out in the sunshine. Finish an extra bottle of water. Spend a little less time mindlessly scrolling through social media. 

Simply making one small change can lead to many benefits over time, and WW provides tools to help you adopt and sustain healthy habits in your day-to-day routine. Unlike most other weight-loss plans out there, WW’s PersonalPoints™ program isn’t based on calorie counting and food restrictions. In fact, there’s no food that’s off-limits. Instead, the program is all about making tiny, holistic lifestyle tweaks so you can feel satisfied and healthy, lose the weight you want, and ultimately still live your life. It starts with a quick quiz. Your PersonalPoints plan will be uniquely customized to your answers and your day-to-day life—what you won’t see is an unrealistic diet that you have to abruptly conform to cold turkey. 

We get it, seeing is believing. So here are just a few examples of small daily changes—whether tangible actions or mindset shifts—made by five women who successfully hit their weight-loss and wellness goals with WW’s help. Major motivation ahead.

Repeating Affirmations

“The phrase I often repeat on this journey is, ‘anything that’s worth doing needs to be done because I already love myself, and not in an effort to find confidence on the other side. Because I love myself and because I love my body and I love my skin, I’m going to take better care of it.’ That affirmation changes everything. That makes me enjoy cooking nutritious food because I want to feel good in my body, and it makes me enjoy going out with friends because I want to have a social life and everything in between. It makes loving myself a priority.” 

— Lauren, down 124 pounds*

(*People following the WW program can expect to lose 1-2lbs per week.)  

Eating More Mindfully 

“Every time I went to a restaurant, I would get the richest thing on the menu. I approached eating every meal like Thanksgiving dinner. Now I ask myself, ‘do I really need the richest thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?’ No! My outlook on how I eat and how I approach food now—and even what my food selections are—is completely different because of WW. For me, it was about being educated and knowing what works for my body to finally get real results. Now, at restaurants, I get smaller portions and still feel just as full. I can eat a light breakfast and lunch. And I’ll still have a big dinner if I know it’s a special occasion.” 

— Karleen Roy, down 30 pounds*

(*People following the WW program can expect to lose 1-2lbs per week.)  

Reaching for Powerhouse Foods   

“With so many ZeroPoint™ foods (aka, foods that you can eat as much as you want without affecting your daily Points® Budget) in my PersonalPoints program—including chicken, salmon, eggs, and corn—I can find something I know I’ll love on any menu. Focusing on these foods helps me make the best decisions for my day.”

– Megha, down 58 pounds*

(*People following the WW program can expect to lose 1-2lbs per week.)  

Restyling Recipes

“My favorite thing about the new WW PersonalPoints program app is the recipe builder. I like to cook, but a lot of the recipes I find are not necessarily healthy. The recipe builder on the app is helpful because I can mix and match or adjust my quantities of the ingredients and then make any recipe the way I want it to be—adapting it to be friendlier for a healthier lifestyle. It’s sustainable, and it’s a really healthy way to lose weight and then continue in maintenance.”

— Jenni, down 26 pounds*

(*People following the WW program can expect to lose 1-2lbs per week.)  

Adopting Intentional Tweaks 

“Instead of having a one-size-fits-all approach, WW has made a plan that adapts to my life so I’m successful and weight loss is sustainable. Black beans are a staple in my diet. By taking the plan’s food quiz, I was able to change my protein to beans and add in healthy fats with avocados (another favorite ZeroPoint food!). By using the tools WW gave me, I realized, by making a couple of little tweaks, I could make it work for me. Now, fresh food feels like comfort food. Choosing better foods and moving more has fueled my body in a new way.  I’ve changed both what goes into my body and changed the energy that I put out. I feel healthier, not just physically but mentally. I feel open and clear—and able to enjoy everything that comes my way.”

— Erin, down 65 pounds*

(*People following the WW program can expect to lose 1-2lbs per week.)  

Evolve with small changes or repeat. What will you choose today? 

About the author

Jennifer Tzeses