January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
The Kind Of Friendships You Avoid, According To Your Zodiac
Capricorn: You avoid friendships with those who have very little ambition and drive.
The Hidden Message Beneath Your Deepest Anxiety, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Sagittarius: Deep down, you know that this is a time of reinvention for you. The old life you were leading is not working anymore, whether by necessity or desire, you know that there’s something more you can and need to be doing.
12 Facts About Owlman, The Cryptid In Cornwell
Owlman is considered the English equivalent of the Mothman.
16 Signs You’re Having What’s Known As A Kundalini Awakening
You feel a sudden need to make radical changes in your life. This can include everything from your diet to your job to the people you spend time with. More than anything, you realize what isn’t working.
10 Things Guys Are Afraid To Bring Up (But Are Secretly Dying To Talk About)
5. Performance Anxiety
What You Have Zero Tolerance For, According To Your Zodiac
Libra: You have zero tolerance for someone who tries to rush others.
Read This If You Feel Like Your Mind Is Still Stuck In The Past, Even If Every Other Part Of Your Life Has Moved Forward
Ruminating over the past doesn’t mean you want to return to it.
This Is The Difference Between A Relationship That Challenges You And One That Pushes You Away
Someone who is using you will affirm that you are not enough as you are, and put you through the wringer trying to prove your worth.
17 Facts About The Manananggal, A Vampiric Cannibalistic Woman
The Manananggal primarily preys on pregnant women in the middle of the night when they are asleep. It uses its elongated tongue to suck out the woman’s blood or the heart of her fetus.
What It Means ‘To Love,’ According to Your Zodiac Sign
Scorpio: To love is to be honest, loyal, and passionate.
Types Of Dragons That You Will Watch Movies And Hear Myths About
Different types of dragons are determined by the number of limbs a dragon has or the way it flies.
15 Facts About The Kelpie, Water Horses Who Can Shape-Shift Into Human Men
Kelpies commonly appear looking like a powerful black horse, but they can also take on the form of a human. Sometimes those forms combine to create a human with hooves for feet, which is why people have compared Kelpies to the devil.
100+ Ghost Names That Are As Sweet As Candy Corn
Whether you’re planning out your costume for Halloween or are writing a horror story, these spooky ghost names are also super cute!
Read This While You’re Waiting For The Storm In Your Life To Pass, Because This Could Be The Moment That Changes Everything For You
Because things happen in a life. Relationships end, jobs conclude, loved ones are lost. Cities change, people move, the world spins on.
What Makes You Beautiful, According To Your Zodiac
Aquarius: Your beauty is derived from the originality and genius of your thoughts.
Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?
Most cats sleep around fifteen hours per day. However, they are able to sleep up to twenty hours per day.
The Brutal Truth About How You Will Lose Them, According To Your Zodiac Sign
Aries: Your temper will get the best of you.
50 Fun, Interesting Curse Words In Spanish
If you want to learn a new language, one of the most fun and informative parts is learning the swear words. These 50 curse words in Spanish will make you want to learn the language immediately.