101+ Tabaxi Names For Dungeons And Dragons
Tabaxi is a cat race from a famous roleplaying game. Here are some of the best Tabaxi names to use during your next game of Dungeons and Dragons:
Tabaxi is a cat race from the famous roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons. Their names are typically related to nature, clan history, or astrology. Tabaxi are warrior cats who are skilled in combat. Tabaxi are feline humanoids with a lot of curiosity, like cats, but they have strong, intelligent minds. Here are some of the best Tabaxi names to use during your next game of Dungeons and Dragons:
Tabaxi Names For Girls
Instead of using a free Tabaxi name generator when trying to create a character, you can check out this list of female names below! Here are some Tabaxi names for girls you should save to look at later:
Citlali. This is a Nahuatl name, meaning “star”.
Edge of World. This is an Edge name for someone that has traveled around the world.
Illary. This name, with a Quechua origin, means “rainbow”.
Itotia. This name, with an Aztec origin, means “dance”.
Necahual. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “survivor”.
Ohtli. This name has an Aztec origin. It means “road”.
Trail of Dragons. This is a Trail name for someone who has overpowered dragons in a battle.
Windy Shore. This is a name for someone who has settled on a beach.
Xpiayoc. This name, with a Mayan origin, means “mysterious”.
Zyanya. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “forever”.
Tabaxi Names For Boys
Make sure to pick your names before sitting down at the DND table. Here are some random Tabaxi name for boys:
Amoxtli. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “book”.
Emerald of Winter. This is an Emerald name for a winter-born Tabaxi.
Eztli. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “blood”.
Gale of Storm. This is a Gale name for a fierce warrior.
Great Thunder. This is a Tabaxi name for someone who possesses a magical sword.
Pishoy. This name, with a Coptic origin, means “high” or “elevated”.
Serpent of Claws. This Claws name is meant for a warrior who defeated a fearsome serpent.
Tepin. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “little one”.
Tochtlee. This name, with an Aztec origin, means “rabbit”.
Tupac. This name, with a Quechua origin, means “royal”.
Gender Neutral Tabaxi Names
In games and in life, gender-neutral names work great for anyone! Here are some unisex Tabaxi names:
Ailbe. This name, with an Irish origin, means “white”.
Coszcatl. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “jewel”.
Eirnin. This name, with an Irish origin, means “iron”.
Manauia. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “defend”.
Nimble Paws. This is a name for a fast warrior.
Spring Blossom. This name is meant for a Tabaxi living in a forest of blossoms.
Xipil. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “noble one, of fire”.
Yaotl. This name, with an Aztec origin, means “warrior”.
Tabaxi Names Inspired By Myths and Legends
Tabaxi names are hard to come up with from scratch. If your mind is a blank canvas, here are some names like the ones found in myths and legends:
Ammit. This is a name with an Ancient Egyptian origin. It means “devoured of the dead”.
Atlacoya. This female name, with an Aztec origin, represents the Aztec goddess of drought.
Coatlicue. This female name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “serpent skirt”.
Ixchel. This female name, with a Mayan origin, means “rainbow lady”, the Mayan Goddess of the moon.
Meztli. This name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “moon”.
Nekomata. This name, with a Japanese origin, is a kind of supernatural cat from Japanese folklore.
Ningal. This female name, with a Sumerian origin, means “great lady”.
Quetzalcoatl. This male name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “feather serpent”.
Tepeyollotl. This male name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “of the earth”.
Tezcatlipoca. This male name, with a Nahuatl origin, means “smoking mirror”.
Vidar. This male name, with a Norse origin, means “warrior of woods”.
Werejaguar. This name, with an Olmec origin, means “man-jaguar”. This is an Olmec supernatural entity.
Birdsong. This is a female Tabaxi bard who lived in Chult.
Chioptl. This is a Tabaxi living in southern Maztica.
Flask of Wine. This is a Tabaxi jungle guide.
River Mist. This is a Tabaxi guide to jungles of Chult.
Two Llamas Running. This is the name of a Tabaxi swashbuckler from Maztica.
More Tabaxi Names
Tabaxi names aren’t easy to make. Here are some more Tabaxi names:
Wing of an Angel
Tranquil Berry
Belly of a Beast
Peak of Mountains
Rope in a Knot
Swift Path
Silent Guest
Secret Riddle
Emerald String
Bold Trail
Four-Leaf Clover
Defiant Wish
Six Thunder
Blossoms in Summer
Hearty Snowflake
Defiant Shore
Bird Feather
Flame of Passion Beauty of Summer
Jewel of the Mountain
Wonder of the World
Glow of the Sun
Autumn Harvest
Hidden Treasure
True Clover
Arctic Dust
Subtle River
Quiet Tome
Flickering Fire
Blazing Fire
Gentle Peak
Call of the Owl
Steady Rock
Lightning After Thunder
Silent Thrill
Ancient Sea
Funny Tabaxi Names
Tabaxi names don’t have to be serious! Here are some funny Tabaxi names:
Dances With Mice
Sleeps Too Much
Roars Like a Lion
Constant Purrs
Cookie Hearth
Not an Underdog
Fur of the Dark
Always Eats a Lot
Climbing Claws
Flickering Fire Eyes
Only Nine Lives
Too Many Whiskers
Fish Bait
Tabaxi Clan Names
Here are some more Tabaxi names you can use for clans!
The Misty Lagoon Clan. This is a clan who lives near a misty lagoon.
The Night Shadow Clan. This clan is filled with invisible Tabaxi who come out only when it is dark.
The Tranquil Caverns Clan. This is a peaceful clan that lives in the mountain caverns, isolated from others.
The Twisting Willow Clan. This clan is suitable for the Tabaxi who live on an island full of twisted willow trees.
The Wandering Mist Clan. This is a clan that wanders in the misty wild forests.
The Fertile Wilds Clan
The Lone Woodlands Clan
The Growing Torrent Clan
The Ascending Glade Clan
The Fading Desert Clan
The Little Forests Clan
The Tranquil Peak Clan
The Radiant Grotto Clan
The Awoken Forest Clan
The Bleak Fjord Clan
The Dreary Creeks Clan
The Mountain Crags Clan
The Misty Swamps Clan
The Chilly Islands Clan
The Tumbling Bluffs Clan
The Bleak Grotto Clan
The Elder Lake Clan
The Flickering Isle Clan
The Dry Marsh Clan
The Changing Mist Clan