Why Each Zodiac Sign Is Always The One Getting Broken Up With

ARIES: You're always the one getting broken up with because you have low self-esteem. You never realize you deserve better.



You’re always the one getting broken up with because you have low self-esteem. You never realize you deserve better.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you get attached easily. Once you like someone, you don’t want to let them go.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you give out too many chances. You hesitate to leave someone, even after they’ve hurt you.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you don’t give up easily. You’re willing to fight for a relationship, even when it’s not working.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you love attention. You don’t want to push someone away who has been spending all their energy on you.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you are a romantic deep, deep down. You love the idea of being in love.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you see the best in everyone. You believe they can change, so you never walk away first.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you’re scared of confrontation. You always sweep problems under the rug.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you hate hurting other people’s feelings. You would rather act out until they initiate the breakup instead.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you have high standards. You only date people you really like so you never want to leave them.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you hate being single. You would rather be with the wrong person for a while than be thrust back in the dating world.


You’re always the one getting broken up with because you really want to settle down. You want a marriage and children more than anything. Thought Catalog Logo Mark