What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Work On To Become A Better Friend
TAURUS: You need to work on your social skills. You need to reach out to your friends more and make plans more.
You need to act more supportive. You need to cheer your friends on. You need to root for them to win.
You need to work on your social skills. You need to reach out to your friends more and make plans more.
You need to become more consistent. You need to be there for your friends, even when it’s inconvenient, even when you would rather be doing something else.
You need to work on your mood swings. You can’t throw a temper every time something goes wrong. You have to learn to keep your cool.
You have to act more laidback. You have to let your friends take the lead sometimes. You can’t always take control.
You have to be more open-minded. You have to stop assuming your opinion is the right one.
You have to be less helpful. Sometimes the best thing you can do for your friends is let them handle their problems on their own. You can’t let them off the hook all the time.
You need to develop stronger empathy for others. You need to try your best to relate to what they’re going through, even when you haven’t been through something similar yourself.
You need to work on your authenticity. You need to stop telling little white lies and be more honest. You can’t keep secrets from the people you love the most.
You need to work on your bedside manner. You need to learn how to comfort your friends when they are upset.
You need to be more loyal. You can’t leave the second someone gets you angry. You need to stay and talk through your problems.
You need to be more assertive. You can’t let friends walk over you. You have to stand up for yourself.