Gian Cescon

150+ List of Emotions, Feelings, and Moods


As human beings, we know that we all experience a range of emotions — that’s who we are, as social creatures. When we feel a strong emotion or a strong feeling, we tend to act on it, no matter what.

According to some scientists …emotions are judgments about the extent that the current situation meets your goals. Happiness is the evaluation that your goals are being satisfied, as when winning the lottery solves your financial problems and being asked out holds the promise of satisfying your romantic needs. Similarly, sadness is the evaluation that your goals are not being satisfied, and anger is the judgment aimed at whatever is blocking the accomplishment of your goals.”

Types of Emotions 

Well, we can identify them and place them into 8 different categories, based on Robert Plutchik’s theory. Robert Plutchik was an American Psychologist and Professor who studied human emotions. Plutchik’s theory was that there are 8 distinct, basic human emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, surprise, acceptance, and anticipation. He figured this out by developing an emotion wheel. 

Robert Plutchik Wheel

Although Plutchik’s wheel was (and is) one of the best-known concepts about our complex emotions, some people believe that there are only 2 or 3 basic emotions and everything else falls into a hierarchy of secondary emotions and tertiary emotions. For example, “love” can be broken down into secondary emotions—“affection” and “longing”—and even “affection” can be broken down into tertiary emotions of “liking,” “caring,” and “compassion.”

Along with emotions, we also have emotional responses. Psychologists who study emotional intelligence believe that when we feel either a negative or a positive emotion, we respond in 2 ways: psychological and behavioral.

When you experience fear, you know that there’s a lot more to it: your stomach turns, your heart races with anxiety, and you might even start sweating or getting full-body chills. This is your body’s fight or flight response, all controlled by within your nervous system. Therefore, this can be identified as a psychological response.

Now, because this is your body going into fight or flight mode, we tend to act out on these feelings. For example, if we are feeling fear or anxiety, we might start to cry. Or, if we experience feelings of relief after the fear or anxiety leaves our body, we might respond with facial experiences of a smile or raised eyebrows.

Combination of Emotions + Feelings 

Anticipation + Joy = Optimism (with its opposite being disapproval)

Joy + Trust = Love (with its opposite being remorse)

Trust + Fear = Submission (with its opposite being contempt)

Fear + Surprise = Awe (with its opposite being aggression)

Surprise + Sadness = Disapproval (with its opposite being optimism)

Sadness + Disgust = Remorse (with its opposite being love)

Disgust + Anger = Contempt (with its opposite being submission)

Anger + Anticipation = Aggressiveness (with its opposite being awe)

There are so many kinds of emotion we can feel on a daily basis, but everything we feel develops out from our core emotions.

So let’s develop these words and understand more about our emotional vocabulary. Let’s say you’re feeling happy. Your emotional experience is excitement, content, joy, satisfaction, and the physical sensations you act on are smiling, laughing, feeling your body at peace. Make sense?

List Of Emotions

Here is a short list of emotions and our responses:

  • Happiness
    • a pleasant state of contentment satisfaction and overall wellbeing
    • we respond with facial experiences like smiling or maybe laughing and a relaxed body stance/demure
  • Sadness
    • of grief, hopelessness, sorrow
    • we respond by crying, staying quiet, or withdrawing from people/isolating ourselves
  • Disgust
    • mainly a reaction to something that is bad or evil—can be something that is as simple as rotten food to as extreme as a dead body
    • we respond by turning away, vomiting, wrinkling our nose
  • Anger
    • a powerful emotion that can also play a part in your fight or flight response
    • we respond with frowning, glaring, a change in the tone of voice, turning red, sweating, or aggressively lashing out

And now here’s a long list of emotions you might be feeling, including core emotions and secondary emotions and tertiary emotions:

  1. Happiness
  2. Pride
  3. Excitement
  4. Peace
  5. Satisfaction
  6. Acceptance
  7. Affection
  8. Joy
  9. Compassion
  10. Adoration
  11. Desire
  12. Grateful
  13. Love
  14. Humble
  15. Contentment
  16. Empathetic
  17. Amusement
  18. Appreciative
  19. Confident
  20. Optimistic
  21. Cheerful
  22. Carefree
  23. Sweet
  24. Kind
  25. Loyal
  26. Lust
  27. Gladsomeness
  28. Goofy
  29. Inspired
  30. Enchanted
  31. Funny
  32. Friendly
  33. Calm
  34. Sensual
  35. Awe
  36. Warm
  37. Romantic
  38. Aware
  39. Comfortable
  40. Free
  41. Courageous
  42. Hopeful
  43. Fascinated
  44. Tender
  45. Proud
  46. Relief
  47. Eager
  48. Sexy
  49. Understanding
  50. Patient
  51. Surprised
  52. Craving
  53. Wonder
  54. Amazed
  55. Sentimental
  56. Focused
  57. Determined
  58. Fearful
  59. Grieved
  60. Distracted
  61. Baffled
  62. Needy
  63. Lost
  64. Self-pity
  65. Pessimistic
  66. Hysteria
  67. Withdrawal
  68. Worried
  69. Doubtful
  70. Frazzled
  71. Sorrow
  72. Curious
  73. Guilt
  74. Apologetic
  75. Horrified
  76. Overwhelmed
  77. Nervous
  78. Anxious
  79. Terrified
  80. Cautious
  81. Panicked
  82. Alienated
  83. Challenged
  84. Jealous
  85. Fraud (feeling like a)
  86. Stressed
  87. Agony
  88. Umpty
  89. Shock
  90. Desperate
  91. Confused
  92. Alone
  93. Tense
  94. Curious
  95. Suspicious
  96. Paranoid
  97. Reluctant
  98. Skeptical
  99. Sulkiness
  100. Horror
  101. Sadness
  102. Unhappy
  103. Emptiness
  104. Misery
  105. Aching
  106. Insecure
  107. Apathetic
  108. Defeated
  109. Pity
  110. Submissive
  111. Lonely
  112. Melancholy
  113. Heartbroken
  114. Depressed
  115. Worn out
  116. Glum
  117. Cowardly
  118. Gloomy
  119. Hurting
  120. Disappointed
  121. Tired
  122. Lovesick
  123. Left out
  124. Resigned
  125. Miserable
  126. Shy
  127. Vulnerable
  128. Yearning
  129. Nostalgia
  130. Remorse
  131. Pensive
  132. Protective
  133. Dismay
  134. Distress
  135. Wanderlust
  136. Anger
  137. Annoyed
  138. Bitter
  139. Frustrated
  140. Dislike
  141. Spite
  142. Uncomfortable
  143. Offended
  144. Bitter
  145. Infuriated
  146. Rage
  147. Cheated
  148. Vengeful
  149. Impatient
  150. Disgust
  151. Animosity
  152. Insulted
  153. Cold
  154. Envy
  155. Uneasy
  156. Loathe
  157. Hopeless
  158. Troubled
  159. Embarrassed
  160. Boredom
  161. Wrath
  162. Disapproval
  163. Craving
  164. Outrage
  165. Awkward
  166. Hatred
  167. Resentment
  168. Lazy
  169. Mean
  170. Hatred
  171. Cranky
  172. Aggressive
  173. Horror
  174. Vigilant
  175. Pity
  176. Cruel
  177. Resentful
  178. Disgust
  179. Delirious
  180. Denial
  181. Obsessed
  182. Defensive
  183. Destructive

Understanding your feelings can be really hard. Psychologist Dacher Keltner even worked with Pixar to develop the children’s movie Inside Out where every character is a different emotion, to help viewers (children) recognize their feelings. With characters Joy, Disgust, Anger, Fear, and Sadness, this story allows us to understand that it’s okay to be emotional and to have feelings because that’s what makes you human.

Emotions FAQ:

What’s the difference between feeling emotional and feeling moody?

“Emotions” are intense but short-lived, while “moods” are milder yet long-lasting. Emotions are also caused by something specific: if someone does something to anger or disgust you, you might act out on that feeling. Moods happen randomly, aren’t triggered by anyone or anything, and typically have no real reason for their existence. For example, people who have diagnosed anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder experience unexplainable moods frequently.

Where is shame be located on the emotional wheel?

In the categories of emotion, shame could be recognized as an emotional experience to sadness or disgust. It can often be confused with guilt. Shame is a self-conscious feeling we get when our positive state is interrupted and we feel unworthy and inadequate. “Feeling embarrassed” is also considered to be “feeling ashamed.”

How does someone respond to shame?

A person can act on their feeling of shame by becoming more emotional and developing feelings of anger and blame. For example, someone who is feeling ashamed for something—maybe they feel ugly or believe they aren’t smart enough—they will start to feel anger and will lash out on someone else and make them feel about something instead. It’s a classic case of bullying if you think about it: using someone else as a scapegoat for feelings.

What’s the difference between emotions and feelings? 

According to iMotions, “Feelings are sparked by emotions and shaped by personal beliefs or memories.” So, emotions are something that is felt and manifested in the unconscious mind, while feelings are both emotional experiences and physical sensations that tend to linger and “soak in.” So, for example, if you have a fear of ghosts or the dark, you might also have an underlying fear of death. This feeling of fear lingers and can cause you to respond in an emotional (anxiety) and physical way (crying, heart racing). Feelings are a conscious response to emotional reactions.

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.