How Each Zodiac Sign Gives Off The Wrong Vibe Early In Relationships

LIBRA: Your unrelenting kindness makes you come across as fake, when really, you’re an optimist who sees the best in everyone.



Your sarcasm makes it seem like you don’t care about anything or anyone, when really, you secretly care too much.


Your playfulness makes it seem like you’re childish, when really, you just want to keep things light and fun.


Your indecisiveness makes it seem like you don’t want to contribute to planning dates, when really, you’re just worried about making the wrong decision.


Your lack of opinion makes you look like a pushover, when really, you just want everyone else to be happy.


Your pushiness makes you seem intimidating, when really, you’re just a perfectionist who wants everything to go perfectly.


Your take charge attitude makes you seem bossy, when really, you just like to take control so no one else has to stress.


Your unrelenting kindness makes you come across as fake, when really, you’re an optimist who sees the best in everyone.


Your blunt honesty makes you look like an asshole, when really, you just like to be authentic.


Your stoic attitude makes you come across as way too serious, when really, you just need to get to know someone before you loosen up around them.


Your intelligence makes you come across as pretentious, when really, you just like having deep conversations.


Your laidback attitude makes you look lazy, when really, you just like going with the flow and seeing what happens.


Your friendliness makes you come across as flirtatious, when really, you’re just a people person. Thought Catalog Logo Mark