Why He's Only Interested In Sex (But Not A Relationship), Based On His Zodiac Sign 
Klara Kulikova

Why He’s Only Interested In Sex (But Not A Relationship), Based On His Zodiac Sign

LEO: The guys you keep falling for are selfish. They only care about their own needs. They couldn't care less about yours.



The guys you keep falling for are shallow. They care more about your body than your mind, your personality, your soul.


The guys you keep falling for are toxic. They don’t care about who they hurt. They will lie and manipulate until they get what they want.


The guys you keep falling for are blind. They don’t realize how much you have to offer. They don’t realize how beautiful you really are.


The guys you keep falling for are immature. They aren’t emotionally prepared for a serious relationship. They aren’t capable of giving you everything you deserve.


The guys you keep falling for are selfish. They only care about their own needs. They couldn’t care less about yours.


The guys you keep falling for are conflicted. They don’t know what they want, so they certainly aren’t ready to give you what you need.


The guys you keep falling for are lonely. They hate spending a second alone, so they’re always trying to find someone to fill their empty bed.


The guys you keep falling for are unsure about themselves. They aren’t ready for something real because they aren’t sure whether they would be able to handle it.


The guys you keep falling for are insecure. They lead you on because they need the ego boost. They need to know someone finds them attractive.


The guys you keep falling for are damaged. They’ve been hurt before, so to protect themselves, they feel like it’s okay to hurt you.


The guys you keep falling for are fickle. They fall for someone new every other day. They can’t make up their mind.


The guys you keep falling for are greedy. They fall hard and they fall easy. They’re never satisfied. Thought Catalog Logo Mark