The Emotion Each Zodiac Struggles With The Most
GEMINI: Your sadness. You need to learn how to cope with your sadness in a healthier way instead of moping around the house for weeks and assuming the world is out to get you.
Your anger. You need to learn how to take slow, deep breaths when you’re angry instead of lashing out, throwing shit, and causing a scene.
Your loneliness. You need to learn how to enjoy your own company instead of texting your ex or hooking up with someone new every time you feel a little bit lonely.
Your sadness. You need to learn how to cope with your sadness in a healthier way instead of moping around the house for weeks and assuming the world is out to get you.
Your guilt. You have to learn the world does not revolve around you instead of assuming every single thing that goes wrong is somehow your fault.
Your jealousy. You have to learn how to act supportive of the people surrounding you instead of getting annoyed they have what you want.
Your happiness. You have to learn how to enjoy your best moments instead of expecting something to go horribly wrong soon.
Your fear. You have to learn how to take risks instead of hiding inside your comfort zone where you feel safe.
Your grief. You have to learn to live with your loss instead of closing yourself off to avoid more pain.
Your excitement. You have to learn to be patient instead of rushing into things too quickly.
Your frustration. You have to learn to accept your own inexperience instead of giving up the second something doesn’t go your way.
Your heartache. You have to learn how to handle rejection instead of suddenly deciding you’re better off alone.
Your disappointment. You have to learn to be flexible instead of freaking out when something doesn’t go exactly according to plan.