The Change Each Zodiac Sign Is Going To Experience In Libra Season
Priscilla Du Preez

The Change Each Zodiac Sign Is Going To Experience In Libra Season

Pisces: Libra season is going to bring out your inquisitive nature. You’re going to be asking a lot of questions and exploring a lot of new ideas.



Libra season is going to bring out your indecisive side. You’re going to have trouble coming to decisions for the next few weeks.


You’re going to be a lot more social during Libra season. You’re going to catch up with old friends and bond with relatives. You’re going to have a hell of a good time.


You’re going to wallow in your own self-pity. You’re going to allow your sadness to get the best of you.


You’re going to spend Libra season with a healthy, positive mindset. You’re going to be appreciative of everything you have without taking anything for granted.


You’re going to have a lot of anger going into Libra season. You’re going to carry a grudge that you have trouble letting go of, a grudge that will slowly eat away at you.


During Libra season, you’re going to slow down and stop rushing through life. You’re going to be much more patient than usual.


Your superficial side is going to come out during Libra season. You’re going to get a little too obsessed with appearances and making sure you come across the ‘right’ way.


You’re going to have a laid-back attitude all of Libra season. You’re going to have a nice, relaxing time.


You’re going to act self-indulgent during Libra season. You’re going to treat yourself because you deserve it.


You’re going to put others before yourself during Libra season. You’re going to be making sacrifices and acting altruistic.


You’re going to be extra responsible this Libra season. You’re going to be behaving like a real, mature adult and should be proud of yourself.


Libra season is going to bring out your inquisitive nature. You’re going to be asking a lot of questions and exploring a lot of new ideas. Thought Catalog Logo Mark