Why Your Stress Levels Are Dangerously High, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
You care too much about being the best partner, being the best worker, being the best human.
You care too much about things that are over and done with, things you need to leave in the past.
You care too much about milestones you’re far away from reaching, milestones you feel like you should have completed by now.
You care too much about toxic people who only impact your life in a negative way.
You care too much about the opinions other people have of you and the judgements they make.
You care too much about being the best partner, being the best worker, being the best human.
You care too much about looking like you have your shit together, about tricking the world into thinking you’re a success.
You care too much about making mistakes, embarrassing yourself, looking like an idiot.
You care too much about your weight, your height, your thighs, your tan.
You care too much about the way you look on social media, how many followers you have, how photoshopped your pictures look.
You care too much about your social status, how much money you’re making, how much you’re contributing to society.
You care too much about your relationship status, about how well your love life is doing in comparison to your friends and colleagues.
You care too much about whether you’ll get rejected, whether you’ll fail, whether you’ll disappoint the people you love.