How You Should Flirt (And How You Actually Flirt) Based On Your Zodiac Sign 
Troy Freyee

How You Should Flirt (And How You Actually Flirt) Based On Your Zodiac Sign 

Your flirting could use some work.



How you flirt: You use sarcasm and teasing, which accidentally makes them think you want nothing to do with them.

How you should flirt: Give them compliments and affection. Let them know they’re one of the few people you actually give a damn about.


How you flirt: You giggle at everything they say. You like every comment they post. You put them on a pedestal.

How you should flirt: Treat them like a human being. Realize they’re just as flawed as you. Remind yourself they aren’t out of your league. They would be lucky to have you.


How you flirt: You shower them with affection one day and ignore them the next day. You send a ton of mixed signals.

How you should flirt: Stay consistent with the way you treat them. Show them you’re reliable, you’re someone they can count on.


How you flirt: You make eye contact with them from across the room and hope they magically notice you.

How you should flirt: Introduce yourself. Join dating apps. Take initiative.


How you flirt: You get into friendly competitions with them. You tease them about how much better you are at everything.

How you should flirt: Boost their confidence. Make them feel better about themselves, not worse.


How you flirt: You don’t flirt. You spend all of your time working. You convince yourself you don’t need anyone to be happy.

How you should flirt: Put yourself out there. Instead of working overtime, use your free time to meet new people, to explore new places.


How you flirt: You upload cute selfies and hope it convinces them to send you a text.

How you should flirt: Send the first text. Start the conversation. Make a move.


How you flirt: You smirk, wink, and use corny pick-up lines on them that make it look like you’re a player.

How you should flirt: Be more authentic. Don’t copy and paste messages to ten people at once. Have a real conversation with one person at a time.


How you flirt: You come on strong. You ask them out right away. You text them every two seconds.

How you should flirt: Build up your compliments over time. Slow down your pace. Be patient.


How you flirt: You make inappropriate comments. You turn everything sexual. You beg for nudes.

How you should flirt: Give them genuine compliments. Make it clear you like their brain as much as their body.


How you flirt: You upload statuses about falling in love, hope they notice, and hope they realize you’re talking about them.

How you should flirt: Be upfront about your feelings. Instead of writing poetry about them, write directly to them so they aren’t left guessing how you feel.


How you flirt: You invite them out with your friends. You act like one of the guys.

How you should flirt: Invite them on an official date. Spend time with them one-on-one so you don’t end up friend zoned. Thought Catalog Logo Mark