Universal Pictures

If You Love Classic Horror Movies, You Are Not Going To Want To Miss ‘Ma’

Ma stars Octavia Spencer, a lonely woman who befriends a group of teenagers. She buys them alcohol at their request and invites them to party at her house -- but warns them to stay in the basement because upstairs is off-limits. 


Ma is a psychological horror-thriller coming to theaters on May 31. It stars Octavia Spencer, a lonely woman who befriends a group of teenagers. She buys them alcohol at their request and invites them to party at her house — but warns them to stay in the basement because upstairs is off-limits.

At first, they think they’ve hit the jackpot and found the perfect drinking spot, but pretty soon strange things start happening. Things that make them wish they never met the woman who calls herself Ma.

Anyone who considers themselves a horror fan should plan on seeing Ma when it hits theaters in May. However, if you are obsessed with any of the following films, you need to pre-order tickets as soon as possible because Ma is right up your alley:


There is something about Ma that brings to mind Annie Wilkes from Stephen King’s Misery. Both women come across as friendly. As polite. As women you can trust to take care of you. But there is another side to them. Once you get to know them better, once you learn their true intentions, you realize there is darkness within them. You realize they are unstable lunatics you should stay far, far away from unless you want to pay with your life.


Unlike many modern horror movies, which have a supernatural element, Ma is more reminiscent of Pyscho. A realistic horror movie, warning about the dangers of trusting strangers. When you sit down to watch Ma, you will start questioning your neighbors, your acquaintances, your friends of friends. You will be more careful about who you put your trust into. You will keep your guard raised to keep yourself alive.


There’s something horrifying about watching unsuspecting teenagers get preyed upon. Just like the group of friends in the original Halloween, the kids from Ma are carefree, gullible, and have an entire life ahead of them. They are much too young to die. Unfortunately, Michael Myers didn’t care about taking lives early — and it doesn’t look like Ma is going to care either.

Get Out 

Blumhouse, a production company rapidly growing in popularity, is producing Ma. Blumhouse also produced the blockbuster Get Out, which won an Academy Award for best original screenplay along with countless other accolades. If you loved watching Jordan Peele kill it as a first-time solo director, then you are going to love watching Octavia Spencer in a role unlike anything she has ever played before. Judging by the chill-inducing trailer, it could win her another Academy Award.

From Dusk Till Dawn

In Ma, Juliette Lewis plays a strict mother who went to high school with the main character. Horror fans are familiar with Lewis, who has starred in movies like From Dusk Till Dawn where she fought through vampires. However, Ma seems a bit more realistic. There aren’t any supernatural creatures lurking around corners. There is only a woman — which is even scarier. It proves anyone could be a murderer, and anyone could be preyed upon by a murderer. It could even happen to you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.