The Kind Of Friendships You Avoid, According To Your Zodiac
Capricorn: You avoid friendships with those who have very little ambition and drive.
You could write a whole TV series about friends… (and they have). However, friends don’t always stay friends and sometimes friendships don’t even work out in the first place. Read on to find out the kind of friendships you avoid, according to your Zodiac:
(March 21-April 19)
You avoid friendships that judge your adventurous spirit. As an Aries, you do not like to be constrained and bossed around. A friend who tries to take away your autonomy or speak on your behalf is no friend of yours.
(April 20-May 20)
You avoid friendships that are full of pressure and expectations. You can be very stubborn and set in your ways, especially when you want to relax and stay at home. As a Taurus, you hate when others guilt you into something. Therefore, you avoid friendships that compromise your personal happiness and harmony.
(May 21-June 20)
You avoid friendships that are clingy and overly-dependent. As a Gemini, you value your independence and you welcome change in your life. Friendships that try to pin you down or claim your time are never friendships that end well.
(June 21-July 22)
You avoid friendships with those who are selfish and don’t take the time to genuinely open up to you. As a Cancer, you are not a casual person and you can’t half-ass a friendship. You are either in or you are out. Friendships that are shallow are not true friendships to you.
(July 23-August 24)
You avoid friendships that are petty and flakey. As a Leo, you are an incredibly proud and honorable person. Your friends respect you and in return you make sure that you have reason to respect them. As a whole, you tend to avoid friendships with those that constantly bail on plans or treat you as a second option.
(August 23-September 22)
You avoid friendships that are immature and flighty. People who treat everything as a joke or constantly make irresponsible decisions are not high on your friend list. As a Virgo, you like to plan and map out parts of your life. You are easily annoyed by those who mock others for being responsible and mature.
(September 23-October 22)
You avoid friendships with those that try to rush and pressure you. While you are an incredibly charming and social individual, you also crave your own space and alone time. Some friendships will try to rush your decisions and pressure you make a choice. Usually these friendships will not last as you need to surround yourself with people who respect you and your individual needs.
(October 23-November 21)
You avoid friendships with those who are inconsiderate and selfish. As a Scorpio, you are deeply emotional and you tend to take thing personally. Therefore, you are usually easily irritated by those who only look out for themselves and blow you off.
(November 22-December 21)
You avoid friendships that take life too seriously. You enjoy playful humor and you often feel judged by those who act too mature. While you know life has its serious moments, you like to keep things as light-hearted as possible. Those who are overly cautious and strict are not be your close friends.
(December 22-January 19)
You avoid friendships with those who have very little ambition and drive. As a Capricorn, you like to surround yourself with passionate and successful people. You are inspired and motivated by the genius of others and you take pride in those who are in your inner circle. In all, you are never seriously drawn to someone who doesn’t care about their future or their career.
(January 20-February 18)
You avoid friendships with those who are willfully ignorant and uninspired to learn. To you, knowledge is one of the most important and powerful things in the world. Therefore, you don’t care much for a person who is complacent and never challenges their own thoughts.
(February 19-March 20)
You avoid friendships with those who do not respect creativity and originality. As a Pisces, you are often inspired by the world around you and you enjoy deeply discussing ideas with close friends. As a caring friend, you expect your friends to also take an interest in your life and you feel slighted by someone who is shallow and self-absorbed.