Isabel Priscila

just a girl trying to better herself, to better the world.
Articles by
Isabel Priscila
5 Little Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Talkative Introvert
You can talk forever about something or someone you’re passionate about.
Read This If You’re Grieving The Loss Of Someone Who Is Still Alive
But if bodies can die, souls can too.
Here’s How You Say Goodbye To A Relationship You Were Never In
You have to let it hurt.
If You’re Not Ready To Fight For Me Every Day, You Need To Walk Away
Please don’t say you’re here for me if you don’t plan on staying through the storms.
This Is How They’ll Completely Break Your Heart, Based On Their Zodiac Sign
Because Virgos don’t like to be a burden or ask for help, they will get stuck in their own heads, caught up in the details, and you won’t hear a word about it. They won’t ask you if you’re ok or if they did something wrong, they will just assume they did, and they will leave.
Stop Saying ‘What Is Meant To Be Will Be’
We take those who love us for granted because if someone decides to leave, “they weren’t meant for us anyway.”
Why ‘The One That Got Away’ Is Worth Waiting For
Just because we weren’t ready for each other then, doesn’t mean we never will be. It’s not over if he’s still on my mind.
Why The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Someone Who Stays Friends With Their Exes
The best relationship of your life will be with one in which you can trust each other, believe in each other, and appreciate each other.
Modern Dating Makes It So Hard To Find Someone With A Good Heart
People cheat. They lie, they steal, and they let you down.
This Is Why Loving Someone Is Never A Waste of Time
They’ll read through old messages and realize that even though it ended, even though you’ve both moved on, you brought them happiness, you brought them hope, you offered peace of mind, stability, support.
I Am Like The Ocean
You cannot see the bottom of me
you cannot know the depths of my soul