Holly Riordan
Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.
Date Someone Who Eases Your Anxiety
Don’t date the guy who makes you feel bad when you want to spend an evening at home. Don’t date the guy who gets angry about how quiet you are around his friends.
Date Someone Who Loves All Your Insecurities
Date someone who actually gets upset when you call yourself ugly, because he doesn’t understand how someone so beautiful could have such a warped perception of herself.
The Secret Of Spending A Day With Your Soulmate
6:00 AM You’re not ready to wake up, but he’s an early riser, so his eyes are opened.
You’re Way Too Beautiful To Deal With Him Not Giving Enough
You know how there are certain days when you look in the mirror, see how soft your skin looks, and tell yourself that you’re killing the beauty game?
Love Yourself The Way You Wish He Loved You
You want affection. You want attention. You want complete and unadulterated love. Everyone does.
Date Someone Who Is Honest About How They Feel
I don’t want someone who vaguely asks me to hang out without defining what the hell thatmeans.
You Deserve More Love Than A Lost Boy Can Give You
Say goodbye to bad boys, fuck boys, and mama’s boys. There are real men out there, just waiting for you to enhance their lives. So don’t sell yourself short. You deserve more love than those lost boys can give you.
If You Texted Me, I’d Be Dumb Enough To Answer
I honestly don’t need someone as shitty as you in my life. That’s why I haven’t picked up my phone to contact you. Of course, I haven’t deleted your number either.
Love Is Meant To Rebuild, Not Destroy You
You’re not supposed to miss work, because you stayed up the whole night crying in a bed littered with tissues.
Why Dating Is So Hard If You Want Something Real
If you’re looking to meet new people and have casual sex in the back of a bar, dating is fun and stress-free. But if you’re looking for something serious, good luck to you.
Pretending You Don’t Have A Heart Is Not Going To Protect It
You can’t dip your heart in an anesthetic. You can’t flip off your feelings like a switch. You can’t be the emotionless android that you wish you were.
Why I Need More Than A Relationship Through Text
I need more than a relationship through text. I need late night drives and early morning massages. I need gentle forehead kisses and rough sex in the shower.
Don’t Tell Me To Get Over Him, Because I’m Allowed To Be Heartbroken
He sweet talked me into loving him, made me feel like I actually mattered to him, and then shattered my heart. How am I supposed to forget about someone like that?
Read This If You Wish You Could Care Less About Finding Love
Love is a beautiful thing, but it’s not the only thing. Finding a boyfriend to kiss and hold shouldn’t be your top priority. If it is, then you just might drive yourself crazy.
I’m Not The Girl Who Will Make Life Easy, But I Will Make It Worthwhile
I’m no “cool girl.” I’m not going to pretend that I enjoy poker and threesomes, just to make you like me.
For The Rest Of 2024, Chase After What Your Heart Wants
For the rest of 2024, don’t be shy about expressing your feelings. Life is too short to wonder what would have happened if you opened your mouth and told someone how you feel.
This Is For Anyone Who Thinks They’re Too Messed Up To Find Love
You aren’t destined to end up alone. If you want to find someone to hug and kiss and cuddle, then you will. Don’t let your insecurities convince you that you’re unlovable.
6 Concrete Signs You’re The Fun Couple
Some couples are miserable to hang around, even if both individuals are completely fine on their own.