Holly Riordan
Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.
Why You Miss Your Almosts More Than Your Actual Exes
You might miss your almost more than actual exes because you never had the chance to get to know your almost intimately. You’ve only seen the best sides of them.
Please Stop Comparing Your Present Self To Your Past Self
You already know it’s dangerous to compare yourself to others. No two journeys are going to look the same. Every person walks at a different pace.
6 Signs You Should Fix The Relationship Instead Of Running Away
You shouldn’t stay in the wrong relationship because you’re scared of being alone or because have a long, complicated history together and you feel like you owe them your love.
6 Reminders For When You Feel Hopeless
You always have power. You might not have the type of power that you want – over whether someone specific falls in love with you or whether you’re offered your dream career. But you are never entirely powerless.
The Strongest Humans Are Familiar With Failure
The strongest humans aren’t the ones who have everything come easily to them, who have never gone through a single struggle, who have succeeded on their first attempt and have never had a single doubt about themselves.
6 Unspoken Promises Your Person Should Make If They’re Serious About You
They should promise to stand by you when you’re struggling. Your person shouldn’t go MIA whenever you’re dealing with a problem and then magically reappear when the seas are calm again.
5 Signs That Your Love Life Is Going To Be Perfectly Fine
Even though you might be heartbroken right now, that doesn’t mean you’re going to feel this way forever. And it doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.
When Do You Give Up On An Almost Relationship?
Give up on an almost relationship when you’ve exhausted all your options. Honesty is the key in any relationship – including almost relationships.
6 Signs Moving In With Your Person Was A Horrible Mistake
Moving in with your person is a huge step. However, sometimes you won’t know whether your person is a good (or horrible) teammate until you’re sharing the same bed and bathroom.
6 Reminders When You’re Going Through A Friendship Breakup
Some friendships are toxic. And some people who used to be good influences on each other grow apart over time.
5 Signs You’re Growing As A Human
You’ve lost family members and friends because you set new boundaries. These people might feel like you were being unreasonable. They might have accused you of changing because you started to develop standards.
5 Reminders If You Haven’t Gotten Closure From Your Last Love
Sometimes, reaching out to them will do more harm than good.
Stop Pushing Away Your Feelings In Order To ‘Keep The Peace’
You don’t need to be the bigger person when being the bigger person means compromising your morals, thoughts, and beliefs. You don’t have to be polite in order to keep the peace and avoid confrontation.
If They Really Cared About You, They Wouldn’t Keep Hurting You
If they really cared about you, then they would put effort into loving you wholly. They wouldn’t keep making so many mistakes. They wouldn’t be giving you more and more reasons to cry into your pillowcase.
Why Is Everyone Ending Up In Almost Relationships?
It’s frustrating when you keep ending up in almost relationships when you’ve been wanting something serious. However, almost relationships are becoming more and more common.
7 Feelings You’re Going To Experience Before Reaching Success
You’ll feel discouraged. Even though you’re passionate about what you’re pursuing and know you have what it takes to reach your dreams, it’s not easy dealing with failure after failure.
6 Signs He’s A Good Guy, Based On How He Texts You
He texts you at reasonable hours — when he’s sober. He’s not waiting until two in the morning, after having several drinks, to get in touch with you. He’s already thinking about you earlier on in the day.
6 Unhealthy Excuses For Staying With Someone Wrong For You
Because you have history together. You’re allowed to leave at any time. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been with this person for three months, three years, or three decades.