What Each Zodiac Sign Is Looking Forward To The Most In 2020 

What Each Zodiac Sign Is Looking Forward To The Most In 2020

Each zodiac has high hopes for the new year. Here are their goals:


You’re looking forward to refocusing on your career goals and investing more time into your passions.


You’re looking forward to conquering your personal insecurities and learning to love yourself more.


You’re looking forward to organizing your physical space and decluttering your mental state.


You’re looking forward to limiting the amount of things you put on your plate at once and learning how to relax.


You’re looking forward to dropping your bad habit of trusting the wrong people and giving out undeserved second chances.


You’re looking forward to creating a better work/life balance and spending more time with your friends and family.


You’re looking forward to addressing your problems and actively working on solving them instead of compartmentalizing them.


You’re looking forward to getting back on track when it comes to eating well and exercising to assure you live a long, healthy life.


You’re looking forward to tightening your friendship circle so that you no longer have to deal with any toxicity and drama.


You’re looking forward to deepening your emotional connection with a special someone.


You’re looking forward to traveling more, to exposing yourself to new people and new experiences.


You’re looking forward to spending more time alone in order to work out what makes you tick, what you want from this universe, where you should head next. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon