How The Month Of May Will Positively (And Negatively) Impact Each Zodiac Sign
Positive: You are going to be hit with a burst of motivation that will propel your career in the right direction. Negative: You will end up working such long hours that you will hardly have any time left over for self-care or socializing.
Aries: March 21 – April 19th
Positive: You will declutter your physical space and your mental space this May.
Negative: In order to accomplish this, you are going to have to say goodbye to items (and ideas) you have held onto for far too long, which will be a strenuous, stressful process.
Taurus: April 20th – May 20th
Positive: You are going to cut someone toxic out of your world who only caused you stress, heartache, and disappointment.
Negative: You are going to miss this person like mad.
Gemini: May 21st – June 20th
Positive: You are going to learn how to say no when needed. You are going to start making the decisions that are right for you instead of the decisions that will make everyone around you happier.
Negative: You are going to experience FOMO, worry about pushing others away, and spend a lot of time overthinking your new approach to life.
Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd
Positive: You are going to focus on yourself for a change. You are going to make yourself a priority.
Negative: Your shift in attitude is going to create a distance between you and some loved ones. They are going to be angry at you because they cannot take advantage of you anymore.
Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd
Positive: You are going to act financially responsible this month by saving up your money.
Negative: In order to do this, you are going to spend less time with friends who want to take trips out to eat and splurge on expensive drinks every weekend.
Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd
Positive: You are going to focus on your mental health this May. You are going to start breaking bad habits and forming healthier ones.
Negative: You are going to have to make tough changes you have been putting off for years, changes you don’t actually want to make but know you need to make in order to reach fulfillment.
Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd
Positive: You are going to step outside of your comfort zone and achieve a long-awaited goal you never thought possible.
Negative: You are going to lose some people along the way, people who are jealous of your successes.
Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st
Positive: You are going to be spending a lot of time outside, a lot of time with friends, a lot of time enjoying the warmer weather.
Negative: You are going to let your work take a backseat this month and will fall behind on a few important projects.
Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st
Positive: You are going to reach a new milestone when it comes to your love life.
Negative: Change of such magnitude can be scary — and you are going to be as terrified as you are excited about what is to come.
Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th
Positive: You are going to take a step forward when it comes to your career.
Negative: This change is going to give you added responsibilities, which means you are going to have even more on your plate than earlier in the year, which means even more stress than earlier in the year.
Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th
Positive: You are going to meet someone who changes your life in a significant way, someone who shapes your path forward and reworks your perception of the universe.
Negative: You are going to spend a lot of time with this person, which will mean you have less and less time to spend with the family and friends you’ve always had, who have always loved you.
Pisces: February 19th – March 20th
Positive: You are going to be hit with a burst of motivation that will propel your career in the right direction.
Negative: You will end up working such long hours that you will hardly have any time left over for self-care or socializing.