God & Man

What Each Zodiac Sign Will Learn About Themselves On September 27

ARIES: You are stronger than you think.


Aries: March 21 – April 19th

You are stronger than you think.

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th

You do not need a relationship to be happy.

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

You are beautiful.

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

You are destined for success.

Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd

You are smarter than you give yourself credit for.

Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd

You are enough. 

Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

You are on the right path.

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

You are growing into a person you should be proud of.

Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st

You are getting closer and closer to reaching your goals.

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th

You are loved.

Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th

You have more talent than you have ever realized.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

You have what it takes to succeed. Thought Catalog Logo Mark