Don’t Waste Your Time On A Love That Doesn't Help You Blossom
Sophia Sinclair

Zodiacs With The Strongest Compatibility On August 24

Neither of you are really looking for love at the moment, but that won't stop you from harmlessly flirting.


Aries and Capricorn

It’s the end of the week and you are both in lighthearted, flirtatious moods. You are going to banter back and forth. You are going to create inside jokes. You are going to rekindle the passion you felt when you first met.

Taurus and Aquarius

You are both affectionate signs. You want to be touched. You want to hold hands. You want to have your hair played with. You want long hugs and kisses on the neck. And you’re going to get it all.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Most of the time, you both hate people, but once in a while you will click with someone. Today, you will click with each other. You will have smooth, natural conversations. You will feel relaxed and understood. You will feel like you are in the right place with the right person.

Cancer and Pisces

Even though your relationship might have started out as a friendship, today you will realize it could eventually blossom into something more. Something physical. Something eternal.

Leo and Scorpio

You are both feeling sexually frustrated, which is why the sparks are going to fly. You are going to give compliments. You are going to make semi-inappropriate comments. You are going to flirt harder than you have in a while.

Virgo and Libra

Neither of you are really looking for love at the moment, but that won’t stop you from harmlessly flirting. After all, you have a good time together. You make each other laugh. And today, you will make each other blush. Thought Catalog Logo Mark