Drew Wilson

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Going To Have The Most Romantic August

AQUARIUS: During the last few months, you have been busy working, but this month you are going to have a chance to play. You won't be leaving the house too often, but you are going to be spending practically every second of your time with the love of your life.



Even though you spent the early parts of your summer cooped up in your bedroom enjoying the air conditioning, you are going to have a packed schedule this month. You are barely going to spend any time alone.

You are going to be huddled around bonfires on beaches, watching the stars and the sunset from the backyard grass, and taking random road trips to places you have never been before. You are going to be having the time of your life with the one person you care about more than anyone else.

This month, you are going to spend more time socializing than you have in a long time. You are going to attend parties and mingle. You are going to meet your person’s best friends and parents. You are going to be exposed to an entire new world.

Don’t worry, because the fun is not going to end when August does. This relationship is built to last a long time. And if for some reason it falls apart, you should be thankful for the memories. You should keep them close to your heart.


You don’t have any romantic vacations planned (and don’t really have the money for something that elaborate either) but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for the same predictable dates every week. You can do more than watch reruns of movies and grab dinner at the same spot you have been going since you started dating.

You can experience new foods, new locations, new sensations. You can have candlelit dinners and picnics. You can go for wine tastings and go apple picking together.

You can make August the most romantic month of your entire life — but you have to do some of the planning yourself. You cannot expect your partner to put in all of the effort. You have to help out. Call the restaurant to make reservations. Research what’s going on in your area to find the perfect place to spend the weekend.

Don’t settle for a boring summer. Decide that you deserve more and that your person deserves more.


During the last few months, you have been busy working, but this month you are going to have a chance to play. You won’t be leaving the house too often, but you are going to be spending practically every second of your time with the love of your life.

You are going to snuggle on the couch and watch movies. You are going to fall asleep in bed together. You are going to sit cross-legged on the floor and play silly games. You are going to talk late into the night and get drunk together and laugh until your stomachs hurt.

Not to mention, you are going to have the best sex of your life. Every kiss they leave against your skin is going to make you feel like you are floating. You are going to become addicted to their body. You are never going to want to leave your bed again. Thought Catalog Logo Mark