Why You Are Going To Feel Insecure On July 12 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
Aries: March 21st – April 19th
You are going to do something selfish and wonder whether you are a horrible person.
Taurus: April 20th – May 20th
You are going to feel like you are out of place in a certain social setting.
Gemini: May 21st – June 20th
You are going to have trouble getting your hair and makeup right in the morning.
Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd
You are going to get ignored by the person you are interested in dating.
Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd
Someone special is going to take way too long to answer your text.
Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd
You are going to drink too much and start thinking too much.
Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd
You are going to compare yourself to someone else you perceive as ‘better’ than you.
Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st
You are going to have an awkward moment and keep replaying it inside your head.
Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st
You are going to feel like you are either overdressed or underdressed for where you are going.
Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th
You are going to mess up at work and take it way too hard.
Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th
You are going to miss someone from your past and wonder why they left you.
Pisces: February 19th – March 20th
You are going to be attacked by the little voice in the back of your head telling you that you are not good enough.