This Is Why You're My Best Friend

The Big Thing You Are Going To Realize On July 13 (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)

Aries: March 21st – April 19th

You are going to realize you’ve been wasting your time with the wrong person.

Taurus: April 20th – May 20th

You are going to realize you deserve a break from all of the hard work you have been doing lately.

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

You are going to realize you are not as alone as you sometimes feel.

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

You are going to realize your soft heart can be a blessing and a curse.

Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd

You are going to realize there are some things in this universe more important than love.

Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd

You are going to realize timing can make or break a relationship.

Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

You are going to realize there is nothing worse than a one-sided love.

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

You are going to realize that your anger is hurting you more than the other person.

Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st

You are going to realize that some people do not deserve your kindness.

Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th

You are going to realize that your real family consists of the people you choose, not necessarily the people who raised you.

Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th

You  are going to realize you are much stronger than you thought.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

You are going to realize it is pointless to keep chasing someone who does not want to be caught. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.