50 Questions To Ask Adventurous Girls Who Are Obsessed With Travel
1. What would you say to someone who has never been out of their hometown?
2. What (or who) do you miss the most when you are traveling?
3. Do you feel more comfortable sleeping in your own bed or in a hotel bed?
4. How many different countries have you visited?
5. What do you always keep tucked away in your backpack?
6. How many languages can you speak?
7. Do you prefer to travel by plane, car, or boat?
8. Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met on your travels?
9. Who is your favorite travel buddy?
10. What is the most beautiful beach you have ever set foot on?
11. What is the most enlightening thing your travels have taught you?
12. What’s the best souvenir you have ever purchased?
13. Where is your dream vacation spot?
14. What’s the first thing you do when you get home from traveling?
15. What’s the longest road trip you have ever taken?
16. What’s the longest plane ride you have ever been on?
17. What’s your favorite book to read during a long ride?
18. What’s the most entertaining story you have about getting lost?
19. Where is the most romantic place you have ever visited?
20. What are your top three traveling essentials?
21. What gives you a rush of adrenaline?
22. What was the most expensive trip you have ever taken?
23. What was the cheapest trip you have ever taken?
24. Have you ever lived abroad?
25. What is your favorite dish from around the world?
26. Where is the furthest you have traveled on your own?
27. What’s the scariest thing that’s happened to you while traveling?
28. Which songs are on your travel playlist?
29. What is your favorite airline to use?
30. What’s the best Instagram photo you’ve ever taken on vacation?
31. Which travel blogs do you follow?
32. What’s the best Airbnb you have stayed at?
33. How much of your finances do you set aside for travel?
34. Do you have friends from around the world?
35. How often do you travel?
36. What do you pack in your suitcase, no matter where you’re going?
37. What is the most beautiful animal you have ever seen?
38. Has a certain location ever taken your breath away?
39. Where do you wish you were right now?
40. What do you consider the best museum in the world?
41. Where have you never been yet but have always wanted to go?
42. Where is the best hotel you have ever stayed at?
43. Where is the worst hotel you have ever stayed at?
44. Have you ever been skydiving?
45. Have you ever been scuba diving?
46. Have you ever been skiing?
47. Have you ever been mountain climbing?
48. What do you love the most about traveling?
49. What do you like the least about traveling?
50. What’s the most fearless thing you have ever done?