I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world when I have given you a million chances. I have forgiven you for things that should not have been forgiven. I have allowed you to stay in my life for much longer than you have earned. I have allowed you to hurt me more times than I can count.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world because I am finally learning to put myself first. I am finally realizing that I deserve more than what you have been putting me through. I am finally seeing my own worth.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world because you clearly do not give a shit about me. You pretend that you do. You swear that you do. But if you genuinly cared about me, then you would not put me through this hell. You would not give me a reason to cry myself to sleep at night. You would not give me a reason to walk away.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world because I have no obligation to you. I do not owe you anything. I do not owe you my time or my kindness or my love. I’ve spent way too long assuming that just because we have a history together we are supposed to stick together, but that is a lie. I am allowed to leave. I am allowed to sever you from my universe. I am allowed to say goodbye and mean it.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world because you brought this on yourself. You could have changed. You could have made different decisions. You could have been someone that I kept around for a lifetime — but you chose to take a different path. You chose to disappoint me.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world because you certainly don’t seem guilty about anything that you have put me through. You don’t seem to care about the baggage you’ve given me. You don’t seem to mind how much bullshit you have made me endure.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world because you bring me more pain than happiness. There are some days when you actually treat me well, when you make me wonder whether you have the ability to change, but you always prove otherwise. Besides, those good days do not make up for the bad days. They do not justify the shitty treatment you give fifty percent of the time.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world, because I am better off without you. I am sick of the fighting. I am sick of the silence. I am sick of your toxicity. I am sick of holding on tightly to something that needs to be released.
I will not feel guilty about cutting you out of my world, because it is something that I should have done a long time ago.